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Université de Fribourg

Magnetic-field uniformity in neutron electric-dipole-moment experiments

Abel, C. ; Ayres, N. J. ; Baker, T. ; Ban, G. ; Bison, G. ; Bodek, K. ; Bondar, V. ; Crawford, C. B. ; Chiu, P.-J. ; Chanel, E. ; Chowdhuri, Z. ; Daum, M. ; Dechenaux, B. ; Emmenegger, S. ; Ferraris-Bouchez, L. ; Flaux, P. ; Geltenbort, P. ; Green, K. ; Griffith, W. C. ; Grinten, M. van der ; Harris, P. G. ; Henneck, R. ; Hild, N. ; Iaydjiev, P. ; Ivanov, S. N. ; Kasprzak, M. ; Kermaidic, Y. ; Kirch, K. ; Koch, H.-C. ; Komposch, S. ; Koss, P. A. ; Kozela, A. ; Krempel, J. ; Lauss, B. ; Lefort, T. ; Lemiere, Y. ; Leredde, A. ; Mohanmurthy, P. ; Pais, D. ; Piegsa, F. M. ; Pignol, G. ; Quéméner, G. ; Rawlik, M. ; Rebreyend, D. ; Ries, D. ; Roccia, S. ; Rozpedzik, D. ; Schmidt-Wellenburg, P. ; Schnabel, A. ; Severijns, N. ; Virot, R. ; Weis, Antoine ; Wursten, E. ; Wyszynski, G. ; Zejma, J. ; Zsigmond, G.

In: Physical Review A, 2019, vol. 99, no. 4, p. 042112

Magnetic-field uniformity is of the utmost importance in experiments to measure the electric dipole moment of the neutron. A general parametrization of the magnetic field in terms of harmonic polynomial modes is proposed, going beyond the linear- gradients approximation. We review the main undesirable effects of nonuniformities: depolarization of ultracold neutrons and Larmor frequency shifts...

Université de Fribourg

Characterization of the global network of optical magnetometers to search for exotic physics (GNOME)

Afach, S. ; Budker, D. ; Camp, G. De ; Dumont, V. ; Grujić, Zoran Dragan ; Guo, H. ; Jackson Kimball, D. F. ; Kornack, T. W. ; Lebedev, Victor ; Li, W. ; Masia-Roig, H. ; Nix, S. ; Padniuk, M. ; Palm, C. A. ; Pankow, C. ; Penaflor, A. ; Peng, X. ; Pustelny, Simon ; Scholtes, Theo ; Smiga, J. A. ; Stalnaker, J. E. ; Weis, Antoine ; Wickenbrock, A. ; Wurm, D.

In: Physics of the Dark Universe, 2018, vol. 22, p. 162–180

The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers to search for Exotic physics (GNOME) is a network of geographically separated, time-synchronized, optically pumped atomic magnetometers that is being used to search for correlated transient signals heralding exotic physics. The GNOME is sensitive to nuclear- and electron-spin couplings to exotic fields from astrophysical sources such as compact...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

From Images to Shape Models for Object Detection

Ferrari, Vittorio ; Jurie, Frederic ; Schmid, Cordelia

In: International Journal of Computer Vision, 2010, vol. 87, no. 3, p. 284-303

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Laser assisted decay spectroscopy at the CRIS beam line at ISOLDE

Lynch, K. ; Cocolios, T. ; Rajabali, M.

In: Hyperfine Interactions, 2013, vol. 216, no. 1-3, p. 95-101