Clinical evaluation of cuff and tube tip position in a newly designed paediatric preformed oral cuffed tracheal tube

Weiss, M. ; Dullenkopf, A. ; Böttcher, S. ; Schmitz, A. ; Stutz, K. ; Gysin, C. ; Gerber, A. C.

In: BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2006, vol. 97, no. 5, p. 695-700

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    Background. To assess the adequacy of the position of the tracheal tube cuff and tracheal tube tip in the recently introduced preformed oral Microcuff paediatric endotracheal tube (PET) using the manufacturers recommendations for Microcuff tracheal tube size selection. Methods. With Hospital Ethics Committee approval and informed parental consent, the tracheas of children from birth to adolescence were orally intubated with the preformed oral Microcuff PET. First, the position of the tracheal tube's intubation depth mark in relation to the vocal cords was assessed. Second, the distance ‘tracheal tube tip-to-carina' was endoscopically measured with the patient supine and the head in a neutral position and the tube placed with the centre mark at the lower incisors or alveolar ridge. Results. A total of 166 children aged from 0.1 to 16.4 yr (median 5.9 yr) were studied. In five patients the intubation depth mark was above (5 mm each), in 22 patients at the level of and in the remaining 139 patients below the vocal cords. No endobronchial intubation occurred. In four patients the distance ‘tracheal tube tip-to-carina' was smaller than the safety margin to prevent endobronchial intubation during head-neck flexion. Conclusion. The new oral preformed cuffed tracheal tubes allow safe placement in almost all patients when inserted according to the tube bend. The critically low tube tip and the high cuff positions in a few tubes when placed according to the tube bend requires clinical alertness