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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Hepatotoxicity of herbal and dietary supplements: an update

Stickel, Felix ; Shouval, Daniel

In: Archives of Toxicology, 2015, vol. 89, no. 6, p. 851-865

Université de Fribourg

Swiss paediatrician survey on complementary medicine

Huber, Benedikt M. ; von Schoen-Angerer, Tido ; Hasselmann, Oswald ; Wildhaber, Johannes ; Wolf, Ursula

In: Swiss Medical Weekly, 2019, p. -

In Switzerland, complementary medicine (CM) is officially recognised within the healthcare system and mainly practised in an integrative manner, in conjunction with conventional medicine. As in other countries, there is high demand for and use of CM with children. However, there has so far been no research into the attitude towards, training in and offer of CM among paediatricians in...

Université de Fribourg

Complementary medicine use during cancer treatment and potential herb-drug interactions from a cross-sectional study in an academic centre

Jermini, Mégane ; Dubois, Julie ; Rodondi, Pierre-Yves ; Zaman, Khalil ; Buclin, Thierry ; Csajka, Chantal ; Orcurto, Angela ; Rothuizen, Laura E .

In: Scientific Reports, 2019, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 5078

Complementary medicine (CM) is used by one third to one half of cancer patients throughout the world. The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of CM use and the potential for interactions with cancer treatments in an academic oncology centre. A cross-sectional study was conducted among patients undergoing current cancer treatment. Among 132 included patients, 56% had used CM...

Université de Fribourg

Primary care physicians’ attitude and reported prescribing behavior for chronic low back pain: An exploratory cross-sectional study

Rodondi, Pierre-Yves ; Dubois, Julie ; Bill, Anne-Sylvie ; Koutaïssoff, Daria ; Ros, Jenny ; Aveni, Eléonore ; Pasquier, Jérôme ; Herzig, Lilli ; Decosterd, Isabelle ; Burnand, Bernard

In: PLOS ONE, 2018, vol. 13, no. 9, p. e0204613

Objective: Recent guidelines for chronic or recurrent low back pain recommend non- pharmacologic treatments as first-line options. The objective of this study was thus to explore the perceived usefulness of several conventional and complementary medicine treatments for chronic or recurrent low back pain by primary care physicians and their reported prescribing behavior.Design: An exploratory...