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Università della Svizzera italiana

Disentangling individual phases in the hunted vs. farmed meat supply chain : exploring hunters’ perceptions in Italy

Marescotti, Maria Elena ; Demartini, Eugenio ; Gibbert, Michael ; Viganò, Roberto ; Gaviglio, Anna

In: Foods, 2021, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 15 p

The growing body of literature concerning the hunted wild game meat (HWGM) supply chain is mainly focused on the final consumer, while little is known about upstream production processes. Even though the hunter plays a central role here, it is not well understood how hunters themselves perceive their role in the various phases of the production process. The present study explores Italian...

Université de Fribourg

Apex predators decline after an influx of pastoralists in former Central African Republic hunting zones

Aebischer, Thierry ; Ibrahim, Tidjani ; Hickisch, Raffael ; Furrer, Roman D. ; Leuenberger, Christoph ; Wegmann, Daniel

In: Biological Conservation, 2020, vol. 241, p. 108326

Pastoralism is spreading in Central Africa, where many protected areas are under consideration to be opened for grazing, in particular hunting zones. Here we document the loss of biodiversity followed by an influx of transhumant pastoralism into previously uninhabited and virtually pristine habitat in the Central African Republic. Our track count and camera trap surveys of 2012, 2016 and...

Université de Fribourg

Two pairs of drosophila central brain neurons mediate larval navigational strategies based on temporal light information processing

Humberg, Tim-Henning ; Sprecher, Simon G.

In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2018, vol. 12, p. -

Some animals are attracted by sun light, others are highly repulsed by it. Especially for slowly moving animals, such as Drosophila larvae, direct sunlight may be perceived as noxious stimulus as it increases the risk of desiccation, DNA-damaging by UV-light and exposure to predators. For several reasons, model organisms like Drosophila larvae are well-suited for investigating how light cues...