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Università della Svizzera italiana

Fibrin sealants and axillary lymphatic morbidity : a systematic review and meta-analysis of 23 clinical randomized trials

Gasparri, Maria Luisa ; Kuehn, Thorsten ; Ruscito, Ilary ; Zuber, Veronica ; Di Micco, Rosa ; Galiano, Ilaria ; Navarro Quinones, Siobana C. ; Santurro, Letizia ; Di Vittorio, Francesca ; Meani, Francesco ; Bassi, Valerio ; Ditsch, Nina ; Mueller, Michael D. ; Bellati, Filippo ; Caserta, Donatella ; Papadia, Andrea ; Gentilini, Oreste D.

In: Cancers, 2021, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 15

Axillary dissection is a highly mobile procedure with severe lymphatic consequences. The off-label application of fibrin sealants in the axilla, with the sole aim to eliminate dead space and to provoke sealing of the disrupted lymphatic vessels at the end of axillary dissection, is an experimental procedure to reduce lymphatic morbidity. The aim of our systematic review and meta-analysis is to ...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Loss and revival of androgen receptor signaling in advanced prostate cancer

Formaggio, Nicolò ; Rubin, Mark A. ; Theurillat, Jean-Philippe

In: Oncogene, 2021, vol. 40, no. 7, p. 1205–1216

Targeting the androgen receptor (AR) signaling axis has been, over decades, the mainstay of prostate cancer therapy. More potent inhibitors of androgen synthesis and antiandrogens have emerged and have been successfully i mplemented in clinical practice. That said, the stronger inhibition of the AR signaling axis has led in recent years to an increase of prostate cancers that de-differentiate...

Université de Fribourg

VADETIS : an Explainable Evaluator for Anomaly Detection Techniques

Khelifati, Abdelouahab ; Khayati, Mourad ; Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe ; Hänni, Adrian ; Liu, Qian ; Hauswirth, Manfred

In: IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2021, p. 2661--2664

Anomaly detection is a fundamental problem that consists of identifying irregular patterns that do not conform to the expected behavior of a system or the generated data. Many anomaly detection techniques have been proposed for time series data. However, selecting the most suitable detection method remains challenging as the proposed techniques widely vary in performance. The appropriate...