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Università della Svizzera italiana

A new constructive heuristic driven by machine learning for the traveling salesman problem

Mele, Umberto Junior ; Gambardella, Luca Maria ; Montemanni, Roberto

In: Algorithms, 2021, vol. 14, no. 9, p. 25

Recent systems applying Machine Learning (ML) to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) exhibit issues when they try to scale up to real case scenarios with several hundred vertices. The use of Candidate Lists (CLs) has been brought up to cope with the issues. A CL is defined as a subset of all the edges linked to a given vertex such that it contains mainly edges that are believed to be...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Lymphocyte doubling time in chronic lymphocytic leukemia modern era : a real-life study in 848 unselected patients

Baumann, Tycho ; Moia, Riccardo ; Gaidano, Gianluca ; Delgado, Julio ; Condoluci, Adalgisa ; Villamor, Neus ; Payedimarri, Anil Babu ; Costa, Dolors ; Patriarca, Andrea ; Jiménez-Vicente, Carlos ; Rossi, Davide ; Montserrat, Emili

In: Leukemia, 2021, p. 7 p

The prognostic significance of lymphocyte doubling time (LDT) in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) was identified when the biology of the disease was poorly understood and therapy was not effective. We assessed the clinical and biological significance of LDT in 848 CLL patients in a real-life setting and the context of new biomarkers and effective therapy. A short LDT (≤12 months) was...

Università della Svizzera italiana

International prognostic score for asymptomatic early-stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Condoluci, Adalgisa ; Terzi di Bergamo, Lodovico ; Langerbeins, Petra ; Hoechstetter, Manuela A. ; Herling, Carmen D. ; De Paoli, Lorenzo ; Delgado, Julio ; Rabe, Kari G. ; Gentile, Massimo ; Doubek, Michael ; Mauro, Francesca R. ; Chiodin, Giorgia ; Mattsson, Mattias ; Bahlo, Jasmin ; Cutrona, Giovanna ; Kotaskova, Jana ; Deambrogi, Clara ; Smedby, Karin E. ; Spina, Valeria ; Bruscaggin, Alessio ; Wu, Wei ; Moia, Riccardo ; Bianchi, Elena ; Gerber, Bernhard ; Zucca, Emanuele ; Gillessen, Silke ; Ghielmini, Michele ; Cavalli, Franco ; Stussi, Georg ; Hess, Mark A. ; Baumann, Tycho S. ; Neri, Antonino ; Ferrarini, Manlio ; Rosenquist, Richard ; Forconi, Francesco ; Foà, Robin ; Pospisilova, Sarka ; Morabito, Fortunato ; Stilgenbauer, Stephan ; Döhner, Hartmut ; Parikh, Sameer A. ; Wierda, William G. ; Montserrat, Emili ; Gaidano, Gianluca ; Hallek, Michael ; Rossi, Davide

In: Blood, 2020, vol. 135, no. 21, p. 1859–1869

Most patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are diagnosed with early-stage disease and managed with active surveillance. The individual course of patients with early-stage CLL is heterogeneous, and their probability of needing treatment is hardly anticipated at diagnosis. We aimed at developing an international prognostic score to predict time to first treatment (TTFT) in patients...