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Università della Svizzera italiana

A psychometric analysis of the Daily Drinking Questionnaire in a nationally representative sample of young adults from a Mediterranean drinking culture

Piumatti, G. ; Aresi, G. ; Marta, E.

In: Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse, 2021, p. 1-19

Aims: To examine psychometric properties of the Daily Drinking Questionnaire (DDQ) in a Mediterranean “wet” drinking culture. Methods: Three studies were conducted using random samples drawn from a representative sample of Italian young adults (N¼5,955; females ¼ 62%; mean age ¼ 27): Study 1 explored the factorial structure of weekly alcohol consumption; in Study 2 multi-group...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Dietary chloride deficiency syndrome : pathophysiology, history, and systematic literature review

Signorelli, Giulia C. ; Bianchetti, Mario G. ; Jermini, Luca M. M. ; Agostoni, Carlo ; Milani, Gregorio P. ; Simonetti, Giacomo D. ; Lava, Sebastiano A. G.

In: Nutrients, 2020, vol. 12, no. 11, p. 10 p

Metabolic alkalosis may develop as a consequence of urinary chloride (and sodium) wasting, excessive loss of salt in the sweat, or intestinal chloride wasting, among other causes. There is also a likely underrecognized association between poor salt intake and the mentioned electrolyte and acid–base abnormality. In patients with excessive loss of salt in the sweat or poor salt intake, the...