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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Impact of round-the-clock CSF Gram stain on empirical therapy for suspected central nervous system infections

Tissot, F. ; Prod'hom, G. ; Manuel, O. ; Greub, G.

In: European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2015, vol. 34, no. 9, p. 1849-1857

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Inferring the age difference in HIV transmission pairs by applying phylogenetic methods on the HIV transmission network of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study

Kusejko, Katharina ; Kadelka, Claus ; Marzel, Alex ; Battegay, Manuel ; Bernasconi, Enos ; Calmy, Alexandra ; Cavassini, Matthias ; Hoffmann, Matthias ; Böni, Jürg ; Yerly, Sabine ; Klimkait, Thomas ; Perreau, Matthieu ; Rauch, Andri ; Günthard, Huldrych F. ; Kouyos, Roger D. ; Scherrer, Alexandra ; Wild, Susanne ; Perraudin, Danièle ; Minichiello, Mirjam ; Anagnostopoulos, A. ; Battegay, M. ; Bernasconi, E. ; Böni, J. ; Braun, D L. ; Bucher, H C. ; Calmy, A. ; Cavassini, M. ; Ciuffi, A. ; Dollenmaier, G. ; Egger, M. ; Elzi, L. ; Fehr, J. ; Fellay, J. ; Furrer, H. ; Fux, C A. ; Günthard, H F. ; Haerry, D. ; Hasse, B. ; Hirsch, H H. ; Hoffmann, M. ; Hösli, I. ; Huber, M. ; Kahlert, C. ; Kaiser, L. ; Keiser, O. ; Klimkait, T. ; Kouyos, R D. ; Kovari, H. ; Ledergerber, B. ; Martinetti, G. ; Martinez de Tejada, B. ; Marzolini, C. ; Metzner, K J. ; Müller, N. ; Nicca, D. ; Paioni, P. ; Pantaleo, G. ; Perreau, M. ; Rauch, A. ; Rudin, C. ; Scherrer, A U. ; Schmid, P. ; Speck, R. ; Stöckle, M. ; Tarr, P. ; Trkola, A. ; Vernazza, P. ; Wandeler, G. ; Weber, R. ; Yerly, S Morover ; Scherrer, Alexandra ; Wild, Susanne ; Perraudin, Danièle ; Minichiello, Mirjam ; Anagnostopoulos, A. ; Battegay, M. ; Bernasconi, E. ; Böni, J. ; Braun, D L. ; Bucher, H C. ; Calmy, A. ; Cavassini, M. ; Ciuffi, A. ; Dollenmaier, G. ; Egger, M. ; Elzi, L. ; Fehr, J. ; Fellay, J. ; Furrer, H. ; Fux, C A. ; Günthard, H F. ; Haerry, D. ; Hasse, B. ; Hirsch, H H. ; Hoffmann, M. ; Hösli, I. ; Huber, M. ; Kahlert, C. ; Kaiser, L. ; Keiser, O. ; Klimkait, T. ; Kouyos, R D. ; Kovari, H. ; Ledergerber, B. ; Martinetti, G. ; Martinez de Tejada, B. ; Marzolini, C. ; Metzner, K J. ; Müller, N. ; Nicca, D. ; Paioni, P. ; Pantaleo, G. ; Perreau, M. ; Rauch, A. ; Rudin, C. ; Scherrer, A U. ; Schmid, P. ; Speck, R. ; Stöckle, M. ; Tarr, P. ; Trkola, A. ; Vernazza, P. ; Wandeler, G. ; Weber, R. ; Yerly, S Morover

In: Virus Evolution, 2018, vol. 4, no. 2, p. -

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Reply to Planet et al

François, Patrice ; von Dach, Elodie ; Diene, Seydina M. ; Harbarth, Stephan ; Schrenzel, Jacques

In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2016, vol. 214, no. 10, p. 1610-1611

Université de Fribourg

Swiss consensus recommendations on urinary tract infections in children

Buettcher, Michael ; Trueck, Johannes ; Niederer-Loher, Anita ; Heininger, Ulrich ; Agyeman, Philipp ; Asner, Sandra ; Berger, Christoph ; Bielicki, Julia ; Kahlert, Christian ; Kottanattu, Lisa ; Meyer Sauteur, Patrick M. ; Paioni, Paolo ; Posfay-Barbe, Klara ; Relly, Christa ; Ritz, Nicole ; Zimmermann, Petra ; Zucol, Franziska ; Gobet, Rita ; Shavit, Sandra ; Rudin, Christoph ; Laube, Guido ; von Vigier, Rodo ; Neuhaus, Thomas J.

In: European Journal of Pediatrics, 2020, p. -

The kidneys and the urinary tract are a common source of infection in children of all ages, especially infants and young children. The main risk factors for sequelae after urinary tract infections (UTI) are congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) and bladder-bowel dysfunction. UTI should be considered in every child with fever without a source. The differentiation between...

Université de Fribourg

Covid-19 in children, pregnancy and neonates: a review of epidemiologic and clinical features

Zimmermann, Petra ; Curtis , Nigel

In: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 2020, vol. 39, no. 6, p. 469–477

The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has spread rapidly across the globe. In contrast to initial reports, recent studies suggest that children are just as likely as adults to become infected with the virus but have fewer symptoms and less severe disease. In this review, we summarize the epidemiologic and clinical features of children infected with...