Ergebnisse einschränken


Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

The Lagrangian Cubic Equation

Biran, Paul ; Membrez, Cedric

In: International Mathematics Research Notices, 2016, vol. 2016, no. 9, p. 2569-2631

Université de Fribourg

Parametrization of the contribution of mono- and bidentate ligands on the symmetric C[triple bond]O stretching frequency of fac-[Re(CO)(3)](+) complexes

Zobi, Fabio

In: Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, vol. 48, no. 22, p. 10845-10855

A ligand parameter, IR(P)(L), is introduced in order to evaluate the effect that different monodentate and bidentate ligands have on the symmetric C[triple bond]O stretching frequency of octahedral d(6) fac-[Re(CO)(3)L(3)] complexes (L = mono- or bidentate ligand). The parameter is empirically derived by assuming that the electronic effect, or contribution, that any given ligand L will add to...

Université de Fribourg

Self-avoiding walk on $\mathbb{Z}^{2}$ with Yang–Baxter weights : Universality of critical fugacity and 2-point function

Glazman, Alexander ; Manolescu, Ioan

In: Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques, 2020, vol. 56, no. 4, p. 2281–2300

We consider a self-avoiding walk model (SAW) on the faces of the square lattice Z2. This walk can traverse the same face twice, but crosses any edge at most once. The weight of a walk is a product of local weights: each square visited by the walk yields a weight that depends on the way the walk passes through it. The local weights are parametrised by angles θ∈[π3,2π3] and satisfy the...

Université de Fribourg

Resting-state EEG topographies: Reliable and sensitive signatures of unilateral spatial neglect

Pirondini, Elvira ; Goldshuv-Ezra, Nurit ; Zinger, Nofya ; Britz, Juliane ; Soroker, Nachum ; Deouell, Leon Y. ; Van De\Ville, Dimitri

In: NeuroImage: Clinical, 2020, vol. 26, p. 102237

Theoretical advances in the neurosciences are leading to the development of an increasing number of proposed interventions for the enhancement of functional recovery after brain damage. Integration of these novel approaches in clinical practice depends on the availability of reliable, simple, and sensitive biomarkers of impairment level and extent of recovery, to enable an informed ...

Université de Fribourg

Computational network biology: Data, models, and applications

Liu, Chuang ; Ma, Yifang ; Zhao, Jing ; Nussinov, Ruth ; Zhang, Yi-Cheng ; Cheng, Feixiong ; Zhang, Zi-Ke

In: Physics Reports, 2020, vol. 846, p. 1–66

Biological entities are involved in intricate and complex interactions, in which uncovering the biological information from the network concepts are of great significance. Benefiting from the advances of network science and high-throughput biomedical technologies, studying the biological systems from network biology has attracted much attention in recent years, and networks have long been...

Université de Fribourg

A novel Ca2+-binding protein that can rapidly transduce auxin responses during root growth

Hazak, Ora ; Mamon, Elad ; Lavy, Meirav ; Sternberg, Hasana ; Behera, Smrutisanjita ; Schmitz-Thom, Ina ; Bloch, Daria ; Dementiev, Olga ; Gutman, Itay ; Danziger, Tomer ; Schwarz, Netanel ; Abuzeineh, Anas ; Mockaitis, Keithanne ; Estelle, Mark ; Hirsch, Joel A. ; Kudla, Jörg ; Yalovsky, Shaul

In: PLOS Biology, 2019, vol. 17, no. 7, p. e3000085

Signaling cross talks between auxin, a regulator of plant development, and Ca2+, a universal second messenger, have been proposed to modulate developmental plasticity in plants. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we report that in Arabidopsis roots, auxin elicits specific Ca2+ signaling patterns that spatially coincide with the expression pattern of...