The Lagrangian Cubic Equation

Biran, Paul ; Membrez, Cedric

In: International Mathematics Research Notices, 2016, vol. 2016, no. 9, p. 2569-2631

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    Let $M$ be a closed symplectic manifold and $L \subset M$ a Lagrangian submanifold. Denote by $[L]$ the homology class induced by $L$ viewed as a class in the quantum homology of $M$. This paper is concerned with properties and identities involving the class $[L]$ in the quantum homology ring. We also study the relations between these identities and invariants of $L$ coming from Lagrangian Floer theory. We pay special attention to the case when $L$ is a Lagrangian sphere.Communicated by Prof. Mohammed Abouzaid