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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Do RANKL inhibitors (denosumab) affect inflammation and immunity?

Ferrari-Lacraz, S. ; Ferrari, S.

In: Osteoporosis International, 2011, vol. 22, no. 2, p. 435-446

Università della Svizzera italiana

Ectonucleotidase activity and immunosuppression in astrocyte-CD4 T cell bidirectional signaling

Filipello, Fabia ; Pozzi, Davide ; Proietti, Michele ; Romagnani, Andrea ; Mazzitelli, Sonia ; Matteoli, Michela ; Verderio, Claudia ; Grassi, Fabio

In: Oncotarget, 2016, vol. 7, no. 5, p. 5143-5156

Astrocytes play a crucial role in neuroinflammation as part of the glia limitans, which regulates infiltration of the brain parenchyma by leukocytes. The signaling pathways and molecular events, which result from the interaction of activated T cells with astrocytes are poorly defined. Here we show that astrocytes promote the expression and enzymatic activity of CD39 and CD73 ectonucleotidases in...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Live Virus Vaccines in Transplantation: Friend or Foe?

Verolet, Charlotte ; Posfay-Barbe, Klara

In: Current Infectious Disease Reports, 2015, vol. 17, no. 4, p. 1-11