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Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration

Blued steel sheets : history, manufacturing and conservation : The case of a Ganz & Co projection and enlargement lantern conserved at the Collection Centre of the Swiss National Museum

Lefebvre, Alexandra

Mémoire de master : Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration, 2021.

The Collections Centre of the Swiss National Museum, located in Affoltern-am-Albis, in the canton of Zurich, conserves a projection and enlargement lantern designed by a well-known local company selling projection and photography equipment. This device, dated from the early 20th century, has the particularity of having its lantern made of blued steel. This surface treatment offering both...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Against Grounding Necessitarianism

Skiles, Alexander

In: Erkenntnis, 2015, vol. 80, no. 4, p. 717-751

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Calderón y la reescritura de los títulos de comedias

Sáez, Adrián

In: Neophilologus, 2015, vol. 99, no. 2, p. 223-234

Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration

Make it work? : The restoration of a Green Ray Television Wonder, a 1930s Fortune-teller slot machine from the Deutsches Technikmuseum berlin

Duc, Augustin

Mémoire de master : Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration, 2020.

In this work we are interested in the restoration of a Green Ray Television Wonder belonging to the Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin. It is a coin-operated automaton from the 1930s which supposedly allows the user's mind to be "read" by means of television technology. This object is part of the technical heritage, more precisely electromechanical; conservation-restoration professionals are...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Scientists' Argumentative Reasoning

Mercier, Hugo ; Heintz, Christophe

In: Topoi, 2014, vol. 33, no. 2, p. 513-524