Adsorption of volatile polonium species on metals in various gas atmospheres: Part II - Adsorption of volatile polonium on platinum, silver and palladium

Maugeri, Emilio Andrea ; Neuhausen, Jörg ; Misiak, Ryszard ; Eichler, Robert ; Dressler, Rugard ; Piguet, David ; Vögele, Alexander ; Schumann, Dorothea

In: Radiochimica Acta, 2016, vol. 104, no. 11, p. 769-779

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    This work presents the results obtained from studying the interaction between polonium compounds formed in different atmospheres and platinum, palladium and silver surfaces obtained by thermochromatography. These results are of crucial importance for the design of cover gas filter systems for lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE)-based nuclear facilities such as accelerator driven systems (ADS). The results obtained from studying the interaction of polonium and platinum under inert atmosphere and reducing atmospheres with and without addition of moisture show that polonium is deposited at temperatures between 993 and 1221 K, with adsorption enthalpies ranging from -235 to -291 kJ mol−1, indicating a very strong adsorption of the polonium species present on platinum surfaces. The interaction between polonium and silver was investigated using purified inert, reducing and oxidizing carrier gases. Results show a deposition temperature between 867 and 990 K, with adsorption enthalpies ranging from -205 to -234 kJ mol−1. The interaction of polonium and palladium was studied in purified helium and purified hydrogen. For both conditions a deposition temperature of 1221 K was observed corresponding to an adsorption enthalpy of -340 kJ mol−1. No highly volatile polonium species was formed at any of the applied experimental conditions.