One-step preparation of N-doped strontium titanate films by pulsed laser deposition

Marozau, I. ; Döbeli, M. ; Lippert, T. ; Logvinovich, D. ; Mallepell, M. ; Shkabko, A. ; Weidenkaff, A. ; Wokaun, A.

In: Applied Physics A, 2007, vol. 89, no. 4, p. 933-940

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    Perovskite-type oxynitrides exhibit promising electrical and optical properties and can possibly be used in the future as functional materials for electrical, photo-, and electrochemical applications. Continuous heterovalent substitution of oxygen ions by nitrogen ions allows tuning of the desired optical and/or electronic properties to the application specifications. In the present work deposition of SrTiO3:N films by pulsed reactive crossed beam laser ablation was studied in order to examine the influence of different deposition parameters on the film crystallinity and composition. The deposited films exhibit a perovskite-type crystal structure and reveals epitaxial growth on MgO(100) substrates. The unit cell parameters of the deposited SrTiO3:N films range within $3.9\underline{11}