Tectonometamorphic history of the Gruf complex (Central Alps): exhumation of a granulite-migmatite complex with the Bergell pluton

Galli, Andrea ; Le Bayon, Benjamin ; Schmidt, Max ; Burg, Jean-Pierre ; Reusser, Eric

In: Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 2013, vol. 106, no. 1, p. 33-62

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    We describe field occurrences of sapphirine-bearing granulites, charnockites and migmatites in the Gruf complex, Central Alps and present a new geological map and a structural analysis of the entire Gruf complex for the first time. We have carried out an accurate analysis of the relationships between granulite facies metamorphism, migmatisation and deformation within the complex, in relation to the intrusion of the Bergell pluton. Granulites and charnockites display fabrics different from those defined by the regional foliation and lineation, which are, typically for migmatites, disordered on the mesoscale. On a regional scale, strike variations are also related to the structural complexity of migmatites within which no major antiform could be identified. Irregular interfingering of sub-parallel leucosome veins and back-veining along the contact between the Gruf migmatites and the Bergell tonalite are evidence for contemporaneous emplacement and crystallisation at about 740°C and 6.5-7.5kbar in Oligocene times (ca 30Ma). Metamorphic conditions in the charnockites and granulites (>920°C for 8.5-9.5kbar) largely exceed these regional metamorphic conditions and are dated at 282-260Ma. We propose that the ascending Bergell pluton entrained the polymetamorphic, granulitic lower crust enclosed within the peripheral migmatitic Gruf complex