Exact Solution of the Gauge Symmetric p -Spin Glass Model on a Complete Graph

Korada, Satish ; Macris, Nicolas

In: Journal of Statistical Physics, 2009, vol. 136, no. 2, p. 205-230

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    We consider a gauge symmetric version of the p-spin glass model on a complete graph. The gauge symmetry guarantees the absence of replica symmetry breaking and allows to fully use the interpolation scheme of Guerra (Fields Inst. Commun. 30:161, 2001) to rigorously compute the free energy. In the case of pairwise interactions (p=2), where we have a gauge symmetric version of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, we get the free energy and magnetization for all values of external parameters. Our analysis also works for even p≥4 except in a range of parameters surrounding the phase transition line, and for odd p≥3 in a more restricted region. We also obtain concentration estimates for the magnetization and overlap parameter that play a crucial role in the proofs for odd p and justify the absence of replica symmetry breaking. Our initial motivation for considering this model came from problems related to communication over a noisy channel, and is briefly explained