Are There Radio-quiet Solar Flares?

Benz, Arnold ; Brajša, Roman ; Magdalenić, Jasmina

In: Solar Physics, 2007, vol. 240, no. 2, p. 263-270

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    Some 15% of solar flares having a soft X-ray flux above GOES class C5 are reported to lack coherent radio emission in the 100 - 4000MHz range (type I - V and decimetric emissions). A detailed study of 29 such events reveals that 22 (76%) of them occurred at a radial distance of more than 800″ from the disk center, indicating that radio waves from the limb may be completely absorbed in some flares. The remaining seven events have statistically significant trends to be weak in GOES class and to have a softer non-thermal X-ray spectrum. All of the non-limb flares that were radio-quiet above 100MHz were accompanied by metric typeIII emission below 100MHz. Out of 201 hard X-ray flares, there was no flare except near the limb (R>800″) without coherent radio emission in the entire meter and decimeter range. We suggest that flares above GOES class C5 generally emit coherent radio waves when observed radially above the source