Small hive beetle diagnosis and control in naturally infested honeybee colonies using bottom board traps and CheckMite+strips

Neumann, Peter ; Hoffmann, Dorothee

In: Journal of Pest Science, 2008, vol. 81, no. 1, p. 43-48

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    The efficacy of bottom board traps and CheckMite+strips using Coumaphos, for small hive beetle (SHB) diagnosis and control was studied in Australia. Colonies in three apiaries (N=10 each) were surveyed for SHB. In two apiaries, colonies received bottom board traps (cardboard or plastic) with CheckMite+strips and in the control apiary, traps without strips. After 5days, all colonies were surveyed again, killed and dissected to quantify non-detected SHB. Significant differences in the number of live SHB were found between apiaries after treatment, supporting the fact that Coumaphos traps are efficient (trap mortality: 94.73±0.06% cardboard and 99.53±0.01% plastic). However, mortality assessment at the colony level (53.29±31.30%), showed that only a limited SHB proportion was affected. Post mortem colony inspections revealed that 14.06±10.53% SHB were undetected, which should be considered for quantitative diagnosis. Bottom board traps provided a first estimate of infestation levels (43.03±27.02%)