Virus Burden in Lymph Nodes and Blood of Subjects with Primary Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection on Bitherapy

Perrin, Luc ; Yerly, Sabine ; Marchal, Francis ; Schockmel, Gérard A. ; Hirschel, Bernard ; Fox, Cecil H. ; Pantaleo, Giuseppe

In: Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1998, vol. 177, no. 6, p. 1497-1501

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    At present, it is not known whether undetectable plasma viremia corresponds to an absence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication in lymphoid tissues. This issue has been explored in 11 subjects with primary HIV-1 infection treated with zidovudine plus didanosine by evaluating virologic markers in blood and lymphoid tissues 9-18 months after initiation of treatment. These markers include plasma viremia, measured with a sensitive assay with a detection limit of 20 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL, infectious virus titers and proviral DNA in lymph node mononuclear cells, and HIV-1 RNA in lymphoid tissue. Five subjects had plasma viremia < 20 copies/mL and showed no evidence of viral replication in lymphoid tissue. Six subjects had both detectable plasma viremia and evidence of HIV-1 RNA in lymphoid tissue. The results indicate that absence of detectable HIV RNA in lymphoid tissue is associated with viremia levels of HIV-1 RNA < 20 copies/mL