Observations on an apparent population extension of Glossina tachinoides Westwood in Southern Ivory Coast

Kuzoe, F. A. S. ; Baldry, D. A. T. ; van der Vloedt, A. ; Cullen, J. R.

In: International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 1985, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 55-58

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    Recent entomological surveys in the Bouaflé sleeping sickness focus of the Ivory Coast have revealed that Glossina tachinoides is considerably more widely distributed than hitherto. Some flies were found in the fringing riverine forests of tributaries of the River Marahoué. However, the greatest concentrations were found in villages and settlements where domestic pigs were kept. The southern limit of G. tachinoides now appears to lie one half degree of latitude further south than that reported by earlier investigators. The authors think there is good evidence that G. tachinoides is extending its range eastwards and southwards through and beyond the Bouaflé area, and the epidemiological significance of this is briefly discussed