Stellar populations and Lyα emission in two lensed z ≳ 6 galaxies

Schaerer, Daniel ; Pelló, Roser

In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005, vol. 362, no. 3, p. 1054-1064

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    We present an analysis of two strongly lensed galaxies at z= 6.56 and z∼ 7 for which multi-band photometric and spectroscopic observations are available. For one source, the data include recent Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Spitzer observations. Using a spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting technique considering a number of parameters (various libraries of empirical and theoretical template spectra, variable extinction and extinction laws), we attempt to constrain the properties of their stellar populations (age, star formation (SF) history and mass) and their intrinsic Lyman α (Lyα) emission. The following main results are obtained for the individual galaxies. Triple arc in Abell 2218, probable z∼ 7 galaxy. The most likely redshift of this source is z∼ 6.0-7.2, taking into account both our photometric determination and lensing considerations. SED fits indicate generally a low extinction [E(B−V) ≲ 0.05], but do not strongly constrain the SF history. Best fits have typical ages of ∼3-400 Myr. A reasonable maximum age of 250-650 Myr (1s interval) can be estimated. However, the apparent 4000-Å break observed recently from the combination of (Infrared Array Camera) IRAC/Spitzer and HST observations can also be reproduced equally well with the template of a young (∼3-5 Myr) burst where strong rest-frame optical emission lines enhance the 3.6- and 4.5-μm fluxes. The estimated star formation rate (SFR) is typically ∼1 M⊙ yr−1 for a Salpeter initial mass function (IMF) from 1 to 100 M⊙, in agreement with previous estimates. The unknowns on the age and SF history could easily explain the apparent absence of Lyα in this galaxy. Abell 370 HCM 6A. The available Lyα and continuum observations indicate basically two possible solutions: (1) a young burst or ongoing constant SF with non-negligible extinction or (2) a composite young +‘old' stellar population. In the first case, one obtains a best fit, E(B−V) ∼ 0.25, or AV∼ 0.5-1.8 at a 1s level. In consequence, we obtain SFR ∼11-41 M⊙ yr−1, higher than earlier estimates, and we estimate a fairly high total luminosity [L∼ (1 − 4) × 1011 L⊙] for this galaxy, in the range of luminous infrared galaxies. A Lyα transmission of ∼23-90 per cent is estimated from our best-fitting models. Other properties (age and SF history) remain largely unconstrained. In case of composite stellar populations, the SFR, mass and luminosity estimate are lower. The two scenarios may be distinguishable with IRAC/Spitzer observations at 3.6 and 4.5 μm