Kathodischer Korrosionsschutz für Stahlbetontragwerke unter Verwendung eines neuen leitfähigen Anstrichsystems

Schwarz, W.

In: Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 2000, vol. 6, no. 6, p. 597-618

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    Corrosion of steel in concrete is one of the critical problems in civil engineering with regard to the durability of reinforced concrete structures. Cathodic protection (CP) of the steel rebars in concrete structures evolved during the past 25 years as a reliable method to extend the lifetime of reinforced concrete structures. During the CP operation, proportional to the applied protection current, acids are generated at the anode/concrete interface. This effect limits durability and performance of various CP-systems. This contribution describes a newly developed conductive composite paint for use as anode material, characterized by high durability at high current densities and easy applicability, and its practical application for the corrosion protection of a parking deck in Oslo