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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

E2ML: A Visual Language for the Design of Instruction

Botturi, Luca

In: Educational Technology Research and Development, 2006, vol. 54, no. 3, p. 265-293

Università della Svizzera italiana

Introducing a moodle LMS in higher education : the e-Courses experience in Ticino (Switzerland)

Botturi, Luca ; Cantoni, Lorenzo ; Tardini, Stefano

In: Journal of e-learning and knowledge society, 2006, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 123-130

The University of Lugano (USI) and the University of Applied Sciences of Italian Switzerland (SUPSI) adopted in May 2004 a Moodle LMS as a support for their educational activities. This article describes how the eLearning platform was chosen, installed, integrated into the different existing universities’ systems, customized and enhanced according to both institutions’ needs. It shows also...

Università della Svizzera italiana

E2ML : a visual instructional design language

Botturi, Luca

In: Proceedings of AECT 2004 Convention, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2004, vol. 2, p. 70

Università della Svizzera italiana

MiLE : systematic usability evaluation for e-learning web applications

Triacca, Luca ; Bolchini, Davide ; Botturi, Luca ; Inversini, Alessandro

In: Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2004, Lugano, Switzerland, 2004, vol. 1, p. 4398

This paper presents a proven and reusable methodology (MiLE) for performing a cost-effective usability evaluation of an e-learning web application. MiLE is a scenario-driven inspection technique which is based on the concepts of user profile, user goal, scenario, and usability attribute. Mitigating the drawbacks and merging the respective benefits of state-of-the-art methods for usability...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Development-oriented elearning tool evaluation : the Edukalibre approach

Botturi, Luca ; Dimitrova, Vania ; Matravers, Julika ; Tebb, Chris ; Withworth, Drew ; Geldermann, Jutta ; Hubert, Isabelle

In: Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2005, Montreal, Canada, 2005, vol. 1, p. 1104

The Edukalibre development approach described here offers libre educational tools based on open development model. The paper presents a development-oriented evaluation approach comprising three phases. Phase 1 focused on rapid and distributed usability inspections producing development-oriented feedback for designers, and was built around a usability inspection framework. Phase 2 was conducted...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Integrating instructional design and hypermedia design

Armani, Jacopo ; Botturi, Luca ; Cantoni, Ignazio ; Di Benedetto, Maria ; Garzotto, Franca

In: Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2004, Lugano, Switzerland, 2004, vol. 1, p. 1713

The impact of new technologies in education has brought to the perception that educational Web sites have a more or less standard features in several contexts. Yet, an analysis of the existing literature reveals that the practices of Instructional Design and Hypermedia Design have few if any contact points. We claim that an integration of the two processes – namely learning activities design...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Visual languages for instructional design : an evaluation of the perception of E2ML

Botturi, Luca

In: Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2004, Lugano, Switzerland, 2004, vol. 1, p. 243

In the last years, Instructional Design has seen the development of visual models for supporting and enhancing the design process. A part of them concern the definition of learning goals, while others address the definition of learning activities or learning materials. These tools supposedly reduce the cognitive load and enhance design communication. Few contributions try to assess the impact...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Design & trust as key factors for e-teaching

Botturi, Luca ; Inglese, Terry ; Rozalèn, Sabrina

In: Proceedings of SITE 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2003, vol. 1, p. 1379

The offer of new possibilities for teaching and learning with new media increase the complexity of educational environments. This fact consequently increments the possibility of negative learning outcomes, and makes the development of student-instructor trust more difficult. The design of procedures for learning activities may decrease s complexity by guiding students in the use of complex...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Adaptive Hypermedia Systems design : a method from practice

Armani, Jacopo ; Botturi, Luca

In: WWW/Internet 2003, Algarve, Portugal, 2003, p. 843

Adaptive Hypermedia Systems represent a great potential for e-learning; nevertheless instructors and designers find it difficult to develop adaptive application within their framework. This paper presents a map-based visual design method, developed at the AHS atelier in the University of Lugano and tailored for non-technical people, for designing adaptive courseware according to different...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Pedagogical patterns for online learning

Botturi, Luca ; Belfer, Karen

In: Proceedings of EREARN 2003, Phoenix, Azizona, USA, 2003, vol. 1, p. 881

This paper describes the use of a new representation language E2ML to denote pedagogical patterns. With E2ML you can create visual illustrations to communicate of sound pedagogical applications of technology. The language is so intuitive that it provides the means to construct templates, and the possibility to be translated into XML and then use in a compliant platform.