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Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

The "world religions paradigm" as the organising principle of didactic action : a case study

Bleisch, Petra ; Schwab Affolter, Ariane

In: British Journal of Religious Education, 2021, p. 1-14

This article shows how discussion of the ‘world religions paradigm’ in integrated natural and social science teaching affects how religious plurality is handled. A concrete case study is used to illustrate how a teacher designs lessons on world religions. Based on this single case study, the article argues that the use of specific teaching materials, which are shaped according to the ...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Supporting student teachers' reflective attitude and research-oriented stance

Buschor, Christine ; Kamm, Esther

In: Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2015, vol. 14, no. 3, p. 231-245

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

An empirical pilot in assessing student teachers' biography and instructional beliefs

Koch, Alexander F.

In: Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2019 Conference. The beauty and pleasure of understanding : engaging with contemporary challenges through science education, 2020, p. 1749-1756

Switzerland is undergoing a curricular change. Curriculum 21 has been ratified by all 21 German-speaking and is currently being implemented. With this innovation, German-speaking Switzerland will move toward a more technology-oriented education. What has been Manual Training or Wood/ Metalwork Classes is now replaced by composite subjects such as Nature and Technology. These subjects now...

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

Réflexions didactiques au sujet de l’enseignement sur les religions (Religionskunde) au sein d’une société plurireligieuse

Bleisch, Petra. HEP Fribourg / PH Freiburg

In: Zeitschrift für Religionskunde / Revue de didactique des sciences des religions, 2019, p. 33-44

Religious studies are taught in a multireligious society. Based on research findings, this article problematises the handling of knowledge in relation to religions in the educational context. It first describes religious diversity at the “individual”, “institutional” and “discursive” levels and argues that the differentiating processes at the discursive level essentialise,...

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

"Das ist doch ein Engel dort hinten, oder?" Religiöse Symbole und Motive in populärkulturellen Erzeugnissen erkunden.

Bleisch, Petra ; Rassiller, Markus ; Bertschy, Tina ; Thalmann, Markus

In: Zeitschrift für Religionskunde | Revue de didactique des sciences des religions, 2020, no. 8, p. 104-124

In their everyday life, young people encounter religious symbols and motifs in films, series, advertising or games. This contribution presents a teaching unit which, based on the LUKAS model, practises the recognition and investigation of religious symbols and motifs in popular cultural products with secondary school students. The teaching unit was carried out in a 10H (8th grade) in the subject...

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

Precarious privilege: personal debt, lifestyle aspirations and mobility among international school teachers

Rey, Jeanne ; Bolay, Matthieu ; Gez, Yonatan N.

In: Globalisation, Societies and Education, 2020, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 361-373

Recent decades have seen an exponential growth in the field of international schools, and a concurrent rise in the number of young Anglo-Saxon teachers overseas. Such mobile teaching careers have largely been presented in terms of emphasising exploration, travel and lifestyle-related migration. While acknowledging such factors, we also draw attention to financial constraints, and in particular,...