Université de Fribourg

Birth weight and long-term outcomes in a developing country

Baguet, Marie ; Dumas, Christelle

(Working Papers SES ; 465)

This paper analyzes the empirical relationship between endowment at birth and long-term outcomes. Birth weight has been shown to influence outcomes later in life, suggesting that in-utero shocks have long lasting consequences. However, traditional measures of human capital at birth (i.e. birth weight) are potentially measured with error and endogenous. We deal with such issues thanks to the use...

Université de Fribourg

Assessment of health relates issues in individuals', couples', and families' daily life

Perrez, Meinrad ; Reicherts, Michael ; Hänggi, Yves ; Horn, Andrea

In: Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 2008, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 146-149

Most research in health psychology is based on retrospective self reports, which are distorted by recall biases and have low ecological validity. To overcome such limitations we developed computer assisted diary approaches to assess health related behaviours in individuals’, couples’ and families’ daily life. The event- and time- sampling-based instruments serve to assess appraisals of...