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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Are global hotspots of endemic richness shaped by plate tectonics?

Pellissier, Loïc ; Heine, Christian ; Rosauer, Dan F. ; Albouy, Camille

In: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2018, vol. 123, no. 1, p. 247-261

Université de Fribourg

Local Cults and their Integration into Bethlehem's Sacred Landscape in the Late Medieval and Modern Periods

Bacci, Michele

In: Bethlehem. A Sociocultural History, 2020, p. 25-40

The paper is a post-print version of an article originally published in Mitri Raheb (ed.), "Bethlehem. A Sociocultural History", Bethlehem: Diyar Publishers, 2020, p. 25-40, though without the illustrations presented here. It analyses the dynamics by which the kinetic dimension of pilgrimage contributed to invest the landscape associated with the way leading from Jerusalem to Bethlehem with...

Université de Fribourg

Breast milk microbiota: A review of the factors that influence composition

Zimmermann, Petra ; Curtis, Nigel

In: Journal of Infection, 2020, vol. 81, no. 1, p. 17–47

Breastfeeding is associated with considerable health benefits for infants. Aside from essential nutrients, immune cells and bioactive components, breast milk also contains a diverse range of microbes, which are important for maintaining mammary and infant health. In this review, we summarise studies that have investigated the composition of the breast milk microbiota and factors that might...

Université de Fribourg

The last surviving Thalassochelydia — A new turtle cranium from the Early Cretaceous of the Purbeck Group (Dorset, UK)

Anquetin, Jérémy ; André, Charlotte

In: PaleorXiv, 2020, p. 7pa5c

Background. The mostly Berriasian (Early Cretaceous) Purbeck Group of southern England has produced a rich turtle fauna dominated by the freshwater paracryptodires Pleurosternon bullockii and Dorsetochelys typocardium. Each of these species is known by numerous relatively complete shells and by a single cranium. The two other turtles found in the Purbeck Group (Hylaeochelys belli, a species of...

Université de Fribourg

Subfossil lemur discoveries from the Beanka Protected Area in western Madagascar

Burney, David A. ; Andriamialison, Haingoson ; Andrianaivoarivelo, Radosoa A. ; Bourne, Steven ; Crowley, Brooke E. ; Boer, Erik J. de ; Godfrey, Laurie R. ; Goodman, Steven M. ; Griffiths, Christine ; Griffiths, Owen ; Hume, Julian P. ; Joyce, Walter G. ; Jungers, William L. ; Marciniak, Stephanie ; Middleton, Gregory J. ; Muldoon, Kathleen M. ; Noromalala, Eliette ; Pérez, Ventura R. ; Perry, George H. ; Randalana, Roger ; Wright, Henry T.

In: Quaternary Research, 2020, vol. 93, no. 1, p. 187–203

A new fossil site in a previously unexplored part of western Madagascar (the Beanka Protected Area) has yielded remains of many recently extinct vertebrates, including giant lemurs (Babakotia radofilai, Palaeopropithecus kelyus, Pachylemur sp., and Archaeolemur edwardsi), carnivores (Cryptoprocta spelea), the aardvark-like Plesiorycteropus sp., and giant ground cuckoos (Coua). Many of these...

Université de Fribourg

The immunomodulatory effects of macrolides - a systematic review of the underlying mechanisms

Zimmermann, Petra ; Ziesenitz, Victoria C. ; Curtis, Nigel ; Ritz, Nicole

In: Frontiers in Immunology, 2018, vol. 9, p. -

The mechanisms underlying the non-antimicrobial immunomodulatory properties of macrolides are not well understood.Objectives: To systematically review the evidence for the immunomodulatory properties of macrolides in humans and to describe the underlying mechanism and extent of their influence on the innate and adaptive immune system.Methods: A systematic literature search was done in MEDLINE...

Université de Fribourg

Antimicrobial effects of antipyretics

Zimmermann, Petra ; Curtis, Nigel

In: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2017, vol. 61, no. 4, p. -

Antipyretics are some of the most commonly used drugs. Since they are often coadministered with antimicrobial therapy, it is important to understand the interactions between these two classes of drugs. Our review is the first to summarize the antimicrobial effects of antipyretic drugs and the underlying mechanisms involved. Antipyretics can inhibit virus replication, inhibit or promote...

Université de Fribourg

Medicine in the fourth dimension

R.Cederroth, Christopher ; Albrecht, Urs ; Bass, Joseph ; Brown, Steven A. ; Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen, Jonas ; Gachon, Frederic ; Green, Carla B. ; Hastings, Michael H. ; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte ; B.Hogenesch, John ; Lévi, Francis ; Loudon, Andrew ; B.Lundkvist, Gabriella ; H.Meijer, Johanna ; Rosbash, Michael ; S.Takahashi, Joseph ; Young, Michael ; Canlon, Barbara

In: Cell Metabolism, 2019, vol. 30, no. 2, p. 238–250

The importance of circadian biology has rarely been considered in pre-clinical studies, and even more when translating to the bedside. Circadian biology is becoming a critical factor for improving drug efficacy and diminishing drug toxicity. Indeed, there is emerging evidence showing that some drugs are more effective at nighttime than daytime, whereas for others it is the opposite. This...

Université de Fribourg

Medieval Convent Drama : Translating Scripture and Transforming the Liturgy

Dutton, Elisabeth ; Robinson, Olivia ; Cheung-Salisbury, Matthew

In: A Companion to Medieval Translation, 2019, p. 63-74

This article examines a vernacular Nativity play from the convent at Huy, in modern- day Belgium. The play includes liturgical citations that would have been sung in Latin, alongside the Walloon French lines that translate generically -- scriptural narrative into verse drama -- as well as linguistically. Scriptural narrative is also expanded through the addition of apocryphal material and...

Université de Fribourg

Boron isotope composition of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa along the Norwegian margin: Zooming into a potential pH-proxy by combining bulk and high-resolution approaches

Jurikova, Hana ; Liebetrau, Volker ; Raddatz, Jacek ; Fietzke, Jan ; Trotter, Julie ; Rocholl, Alexander ; Krause, Stefan ; Mc Culloch, Malcolm ; Rüggeber, Andres ; Eisenhauer, Anton

In: Chemical Geology, 2019, vol. 513, p. 143–152

High-latitude cold-water coral reefs are particularly vulnerable to climate change due to enhanced CO2 uptake in these regions. To evaluate their physiological functioning and potential application as pH archives, we retrieved both recent and fossil samples of Lophelia pertusa along the Norwegian margin from Oslofjord (59°N), over to Trondheimsfjord, Sula and Lopphavet (70.6°N). Boron...