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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Cushing syndrome after bilateral lensectomy

Scherrer, Karin ; Weitz, Marcus ; Eisenack, Johannes ; Truffer, Béatrice ; Konrad, Daniel

In: European Journal of Pediatrics, 2015, vol. 174, no. 3, p. 399-401

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

The dietary protein, IGF-I, skeletal health axis

Bonjour, Jean-Philippe

In: Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation, 2016, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 39-53

Université de Fribourg

Reduced skeletal muscle protein turnover and thyroid hormone metabolism in adaptive thermogenesis that facilitates body fat recovery during weight regain

Calonne, Julie ; Isacco, Laurie ; Miles-Chan, Jennifer L. ; Arsenijevic, Denis ; Montani, Jean-Pierre ; Guillet, Christelle ; Boirie, Yves ; Dulloo, Abdul G.

In: Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2019, vol. 10, p. -

Objective: The recovery of body composition after weight loss is characterized by an accelerated rate of fat recovery (preferential catch-up fat) resulting partly from an adaptive suppression of thermogenesis. Although the skeletal muscle has been implicated as an effector site for such thrifty (energy conservation) metabolism driving catch-up fat, the underlying mechanisms remain to be...

Université de Fribourg

Association between Body Composition and Motor Performance in Preschool Children

Kakebeeke, Tanja H. ; Lanzi, Stefano ; Zysset, Annina E. ; Arhab, Amar ; Messerli-Bürgy, Nadine ; Stuelb, Kerstin ; Leeger-Aschmann, Claudia S. ; Schmutz, Einat A. ; Meyer, Andrea H. ; Kriemler, Susi ; Munsch, Simone ; Jenni, Oskar G. ; Puder, Jardena J.

In: Obesity Facts, 2017, vol. 10, p. 420-431

Objective Being overweight makes physical movement more difficult. Our aim was to investigate the association between body composition and motor performance in preschool children. Methods A total of 476 predominantly normal-weight preschool children (age 3.9 ± 0.7 years; m/f: 251/225; BMI 16.0 ± 1.4 kg/m2) participated in the Swiss Preschoolers' Health Study (SPLASHY). Body composition...