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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Postmortem serum protein growth arrest-specific 6 levels in sepsis-related deaths

Palmiere, Cristian ; Augsburger, Marc

In: International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2015, vol. 129, no. 5, p. 1079-1084

Université de Fribourg

Conserved functions of ether lipids and sphingolipids in the early secretory pathway

Jiménez-Rojo, Noemi ; Leonetti, Manuel D. ; Zoni, Valeria ; Colom, Adai ; Feng, Suihan ; Iyengar, Namrata R. ; Matile, Stefan ; Roux, Aurélien ; Vanni, Stefano ; Weissman, Jonathan S. ; Riezman, Howard

In: Current Biology, 2020, vol. 30, no. 19, p. 3775-3787.e7

Sphingolipids play important roles in physiology and cell biology, but a systematic examination of their functions is lacking. We performed a genome-wide CRISPRi screen in sphingolipid-depleted human cells and identified hypersensitive mutants in genes of membrane trafficking and lipid biosynthesis, including ether lipid synthesis. Systematic lipidomic analysis showed a coordinate regulation...

Université de Fribourg

Tissue-specific isoforms of the single C. elegans Ryanodine receptor gene unc-68 control specific functions

Marques, Filipe ; Thapliyal, Saurabh ; Javer, Avelino ; Shrestha, Priyanka ; Brown, André E. X. ; Glauser, Dominique A.

In: PLOS Genetics, 2020, vol. 16, no. 10, p. e1009102

Ryanodine receptors (RyR) are essential regulators of cellular calcium homeostasis and signaling. Vertebrate genomes contain multiple RyR gene isoforms, expressed in different tissues and executing different functions. In contrast, invertebrate genomes contain a single RyR-encoding gene and it has long been proposed that different transcripts generated by alternative splicing may diversify...

Université de Fribourg

Proteasomal degradation induced by DPP9-mediated processing competes with mitochondrial protein import

Finger, Yannik ; Habich, Markus ; Gerlich, Sarah ; Urbanczyk, Sophia ; Logt, Erik ; Koch, Julian ; Schu, Laura ; Lapacz, Kim Jasmin ; Ali, Muna ; Petrungaro, Carmelina ; Salscheider, Silja Lucia ; Pichlo, Christian ; Baumann, Ulrich ; Mielenz, Dirk ; Dengjel, Jörn ; Brachvogel, Bent ; Hofmann, Kay ; Riemer, Jan

In: The EMBO Journal, 2020, vol. 39, no. 19, p. e103889

Plasticity of the proteome is critical to adapt to varying conditions. Control of mitochondrial protein import contributes to this plasticity. Here, we identified a pathway that regulates mitochondrial protein import by regulated N-terminal processing. We demonstrate that dipeptidyl peptidases 8/9 (DPP8/9) mediate the N-terminal processing of adenylate kinase 2 (AK2) en route to mitochondria....

Università della Svizzera italiana

Quality control mechanisms of protein biogenesis : proteostasis dies hard

Bergmann, Timothy Jan ; Brambilla Pisoni, Giorgia ; Molinari, Maurizio

In: AIMS biophysics, 2016, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 456-478

The biosynthesis of proteins entails a complex series of chemical reactions that transform the information stored in the nucleic acid sequence into a polypeptide chain that needs to properly fold and reach its functional location in or outside the cell. It is of no surprise that errors might occur that alter the polypeptide sequence leading to a non-functional proteins or that impede delivery...