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Université de Fribourg

Competitive employer positioning through career path analysis: the case of the Swiss nursing sector

Aeschbacher, Remo ; Addor, Véronique

In: Human Resources for Health, 2021, vol. 19, no. 47, p. 1-13

Background: The global shortage of nurses has caused strategic employer positioning and strengthened employer branding to become progressively relevant addressing the increased competition in the recruitment of nurses. This study provides competition- oriented strengths-and-weaknesses profiles for nurse attraction and attrition for the major types of healthcare institutions to advise on...

Université de Fribourg

Resting-state EEG topographies: Reliable and sensitive signatures of unilateral spatial neglect

Pirondini, Elvira ; Goldshuv-Ezra, Nurit ; Zinger, Nofya ; Britz, Juliane ; Soroker, Nachum ; Deouell, Leon Y. ; Van De\Ville, Dimitri

In: NeuroImage: Clinical, 2020, vol. 26, p. 102237

Theoretical advances in the neurosciences are leading to the development of an increasing number of proposed interventions for the enhancement of functional recovery after brain damage. Integration of these novel approaches in clinical practice depends on the availability of reliable, simple, and sensitive biomarkers of impairment level and extent of recovery, to enable an informed ...

Haute Ecole Arc Santé

Comment les déterminants de la participation de la personne âgée de 75 ans et plus, alcoolique et résidant en établissement médico-social (EMS), influencent-ils l'alliance thérapeutique ?

Jaques, Christine-Laure ; Lachat, Léonie ; Meier, Jennifer ; Voirol, Christian (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole Arc Santé, 2019.

La gestion de l’addiction à l’alcool chez les résident(e)s âgé(e)s de 75 ans et plus est l’un des problèmes complexes que doivent gérer les établissements de soins médico-sociaux (EMS). En effet, l’addiction à différentes substances reste un problème de santé actuel dans la population suisse. Plus spécifiquement, la consommation quotidienne d’alcool est une problématique...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Three essays in labor economics

Gentili, Elena ; Mazzonna, Fabrizio (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2019 ; 2019ECO003.

In this thesis, I investigate two of the main challenges faced by developed societies: aging and migration. In the first chapter, I consider the cultural determinants of elderly care arrangement decisions. The empirical strategy focuses on the three German and French speaking Swiss bilingual cantons. Particularly, since the structure of long-term care provision is planned at cantonal level, I...