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Université de Fribourg

Notes on the cheek region of the Late Jurassic theropod dinosaur Allosaurus

Evers, Serjoscha W. ; Foth, Christian ; Rauhut, Oliver W.M.

In: PeerJ, 2020, vol. 8, p. e8493

Allosaurus, from the Late Jurassic of North America and Europe, is a model taxon for Jurassic basal tetanuran theropod dinosaurs. It has achieved an almost iconic status due to its early discovery in the late, 19th century, and due to the abundance of material from the Morrison Formation of the western U.S.A., making Allosaurus one of the best-known theropod taxa. Despite this, various...

Università della Svizzera italiana

The impact of ambient air pollution on hospital admissions

Filippini, Massimo ; Masiero, Giuliano ; Steinbach, Sandro

In: European Journal of Health Economics, 2019, vol. 20, no. 6, p. 919-931

Ambient air pollution is the environmental factor with the most significant impact on human health. Several epidemiological studies provide evidence for an association between ambient air pollution and human health. However, the recent economic literature has challenged the identification strategy used in these studies. This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion by investigating the...

Università della Svizzera italiana

The impact of ambient air pollution on hospital admissions

Filippini, Massimo ; Masiero, Giuliano ; Steinbach, Sandro

In: European Journal of Health Economics

Ambient air pollution is the environmental factor with the most significant impact on human health. Several epidemiological studies provide evidence for an association between ambient air pollution and human health. However, the recent economic literature has challenged the identification strategy used in these studies. This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion by investigating the...

Université de Fribourg

Comparing thyroid and insect hormone signaling

Flatt, Thomas ; Moroz, Leonid L. ; Tatar, Marc ; Heyland, Andreas

In: Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2006, vol. 46, no. 6, p. 777-794

Transitions between different states of development, physiology, and life history are typically mediated by hormones. In insects, metamorphosis and reproductive maturation are regulated by an interaction between the sesquiterpenoid juvenile hormone (JH) and the steroid 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (20E). In vertebrates and some marine invertebrates, the lipophilic thyroid hormones (THs) affect...