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Université de Fribourg

3D feedback and observation for motor learning: Application to the roundoff movement in gymnastics

Le Naour, Thibaut ; Ré, Chiara ; Bresciani, Jean-Pierre

In: Human Movement Science, 2019, vol. 66, p. 564-577

In this paper, we assessed the efficacy of different types of visual information for improving the execution of the roundoff movement in gymnastics. Specifically, two types of 3D feedback were compared to a 3D visualization only displaying the movement of the expert (observation) as well as to a more ‘traditional’ video observation. The improvement in movement execution was measured using...

Université de Fribourg

Accuracy of elevation recording using sport watches while walking and running on hilly and flat terrain

Ammann, Rahel ; Taube, Wolfgang ; Kummer, Fabian ; Wyss, Thomas

In: Sports Engineering, 2016, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 283–287

Elevation gain (EG) is a significant contributor to the total workload in many endurance sports. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of elevation recording as assessed by popular sport watches. Eighteen participants walked and ran at different speeds in various weather conditions in two terrain types: on a hilly 2490 m course with a total EG of 90 m and on a flat 1200 m...

Université de Fribourg

Accuracy of PARTwear inertial sensor and Optojump optical measurement system for measuring ground contact time during running

Rahel, Ammann ; Taube, Wolfgang ; Wyss, Thomas

In: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2016, p. -

The aim of this study was to validate the detection of ground contact time (GCT) during running in two differently working systems: a small inertial measurement sensor, PARTwear (PW), worn on the shoe laces, and the optical measurement system, Optojump (OJ), placed on the track. Twelve well-trained subjects performed 12 runs each on an indoor track at speeds ranging from 3.0 - 9.0 m[middle...