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Université de Fribourg

Ludique : jouer dans l'Antiquité

Dasen, Véronique (ed.)

ISBN: 9789461614902

L'exposition "Ludique ! Jouer dans l'Antiquité", réunit un ensemble unique de près de trois cents jeux et jouets de la Grèce archaïque (VIe siècle avant J.-C.) à l'Antiquité tardive (Ve siècle après J.-C.). Le catalogue qui l'accompagne présente de nombreux objets, inédits ou méconnus, qui renouvellent notre vision des sociétés d'autrefois sur la culture matérielle enfantine...

Université de Fribourg

Play and Games in Ostia

Dasen, Véronique

In: Life and Death in a Multicultural Harbour City: Ostia Antica from the Republic through Late Antiquity, Rome, 2020, p. 305-311

This volume, Life and Death in a Multicultural Harbour City: Ostia Antica from the Republic through Late Antiquity, edited by Arja Karivieri, includes 50 articles with numerous illustrations, written by international scholars active in the research of Ostia and Portus, the harbour city and the harbour area of ancient Rome. This volume is the result of the project "Segrerated or Integrated? -...

Université de Fribourg

Playing with Batavians. Games as an educational tool for a romano more vivere

Pace, Alessandro

In: Archimède. Archéologie et Histoire ancienne, 2020, vol. 7, p. 317-326

Recent research has underlined how games can serve as powerful tools for the creation of new social spaces, bridging different ethnic and cultural groups, both in the present and in the past. The scope of this paper is to explore whether games can offer new insights into that process of cultural co-optation that brought in contact the Roman world and the various ethnic groups that were...

Université de Fribourg

Magical Milk Stones?

Dasen, Véronique

In: Plutarco, entre dioses y astros. Homenaje al profesor Aurelio Pérez Jiménez de sus discípulos, colegas y amigos, 2019, no. 2, p. 1035-1048

In the Roman imperial period, a large series of so-called magical stones are carved with the image of the lion-headed snake Chnoubis. The figure is often associated with the order pesse, or pepte “digest!”, and seems to avert stomach ailment. This paper investigates other possible competences which focus on the protection of children in the form of an alternative type of milk stone,...

Université de Fribourg

Saltimbanques et circulation de jeux

Dasen, Véronique

In: Archimède, Dossier "Jouer dans l’Antiquité. Identité et multiculturalité", 2019, no. 6, p. 127-143

Dans l’Antiquité classique, les saltimbanques ont constitué l’un des vecteurs de la circulation d’objets et de techniques ludiques, comme le jonglage, le funambulisme, les jeux d’adresse et d’équilibrisme avec un cerceau, une échelle et des animaux. Des documents très variés, mais fragmentaires, permettent de saisir les contours de leur identité protéiforme et de leurs diverses...

Université de Fribourg

Jouer dans l’Antiquité: identité et multiculturalité : Dossier thématique = Games and Play in Antiquity: Identity and Multiculturality

Dasen, Véronique ; Schädler, Ulrich

In: Archimède, 2019, no. 6, p. 71-212

Une approche pluridisciplinaire, croisant données archéologiques, écrites et iconographiques permet de saisir les modes de circulation des jeux en Méditerranée antique. Ce dossier ouvre plusieurs pistes de recherche sur les enjeux identitaires, réels ou imaginaires de la culture ludique antique dans la longue durée, de l’Égypte pharaonique à la fin de l’Antiquité.

Université de Fribourg

Rituale, spettacolo o gioco d’azzardo? Memorie del combattimento dei galli in Grecia antica. Considerazioni linguistiche e antropologiche

Vespa, Marco

In: Enthymema, 2019, vol. XXIII, p. 434-460

La pratica sociale del combattimento dei galli in Grecia antica è stata oggetto di numerosi studi che ne hanno sottolineato in particolare lo statuto di spet-tacolo educativo, vero e proprio manifesto dell'ideologia della kalokagathia greca. Il gallo, animale coraggioso e prototipo dell'identità di genere maschile, sarebbe stato protagonista di diverse narrazioni, scritte o figurate, tese a...

Université de Fribourg

Hoops and Coming of Age in Greek and Roman Antiquity

Dasen, Véronique

In: Toys and Material Culture. Hybridisation, Design and Consumption. 8th International Toy Research Association World Conference, 2019, p. 1-21

Ancient hoops, usually made of wood or metal, do not survive archaeologically, but literary and iconographic representations provide information regarding the materials used, ergonomics, as well as their symbolic and cultural values. Hoops were intimately associated with youth, especially male, and this paper aims at expanding the understanding of their collective, social and religious dimensions...

Université de Fribourg

Cubic Dice: Archaeological Material for Understanding Historical Processes

Voogt, Alexander J. de ; Eerkens, Jelmer W.

In: Kentron, 2018, vol. 34, p. 99-108

The characteristics of dice found in archaeological contexts assist in the understanding of historical processes and human behavior. The dice attributes of configuration and dot pattern are regionally and/or temporally specific and can be used to help date dice themselves or the context in which they are found. As well, dice have been used to decipher Etruscan words and may identify novice...