Collections Friburgo

Collection fribourgeoise
La collezione friburghese raggruppa diverse collezioni specifiche che sono descritte nelle singole sezioni, come per esempio i quotidiani friburghesi o le opere di consultazione friburghesi. Essa comprende anche la versione digitalizzata di documenti posseduti dalla BCU Friburgo che sono parte del patrimonio friburghese.

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Université de Fribourg

Similarities between European and national solidarity : An empirical thought experiment applied to 13 European countries

Ignácz, Zsófia S.

In:, 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article 1.3

This paper examines similarities between attitudes towards European redistribution and attitudes towards national redistribution. It maps out possible reasons for expected similarities between the two spatial levels in the degree redistribution is supported and also the underlying mechanisms that foster support rates. To examine the underlying mechanisms, the paper employs a structural...

Université de Fribourg

The experience of solidarity in Poland under communist rule and thereafter

Solska, Magdalena

In:, 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article 1.2

Although Solidarność was the largest mass movement in the history of after- war Europe, the experience of solidarity during that time in communist Poland has barely been analysed. Drawing on historical accounts of the events in the 1980s and press interviews with Solidarność members, this paper attempts to bridge this gap and identifies key aspects of the experienced solidarity. It...

Université de Fribourg

Die Kantone und ihre Beziehungen zu Religionsgemeinschaften: Unterschiedliche Strategien im Umgang mit religiöser Vielfalt

Reber, Christian ; Aharchaou, Lara

In: IR-Paper, 2020, vol. 2, p. 1-22

Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, welche Stellen innerhalb der kantonalen Verwaltungen für die Beziehungen zu den Religionsgemeinschaften zuständig sind und zeigt neuere kantonale Entwicklungen auf, die eine Öffnung gegenüber dem religiösen Pluralismus zum Ziel haben.

Université de Fribourg

Die Schweizer Armeeseelsorge auf dem Weg in die multireligiöse Zukunft

Reber, Christian

In: IR-Paper, 2020, vol. 1, p. 1-11

Die Armeeseelsorge bietet eine wichtige und zentrale Grundfunktion in der Beratung, Begleitung und Unterstützung der Armeeangehörigen. Aufgrund der sich verändernden religiösen Landschaft ist auch die Armeeseelsorge herausgefordert, ihren Auftrag und ihre personellen und fachlichen Ressourcen zu hinterfragen, zu definieren und wenn nötig neu auszurichten. Bis anhin wurde die Armeeseelsorge...

Université de Fribourg

Das House Kapital

Grossmann, Volker ; Larin, Benjamin ; Steger, Thomas

(Working Papers SES ; 523)

The housing wealth-to-income ratio has been increasing in most developed economies since the 1950s. We provide a novel theory to explain this long-term pattern. We show analytically that house prices grow in the steady state if i) the housing sector is more land-intensive than the non-housing sector, or ii) technological progress in the construction sector is weaker than in the non-housing...

Université de Fribourg

Neuralink and Beyond: Challenges of Creating an Enhanced Human

Gurtner, Dimitri

(Internal working papers DIUF ; 21-01)

This article is a literature review of Neuralink, brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) and their applications, followed by future possibilities of BMIs and their potential impacts. Currently, BMIs predominantly have therapeutic applications, such as helping people with spinal cord injury by allowing them to control a computer directly with their brain. However, BMIs can also improve learning,...

Université de Fribourg

Prevenire le radicalizzazioni. Collaborazione tra Stato e organizzazioni musulmane = Radikalisierungen vorbeugen : Zusammenarbeit zwischen Staat und muslimischen Organisationen

Schmid, Hansjörg ; Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory ; Lang, Andrea

(CSIS-Papers ; 2)

La radicalizzazione legata all'islam è una delle principali fonti di preoccupazione sia per le autorità che per i membri della società civile, musulmani e non. Come sottolinea la Rete integrata Svizzera per la sicurezza, le misure di prevenzione non possono essere ridotte a disposizioni giudiziarie o penali, ma devono includere il lavoro di altri tipi di attori, come ad esempio le associazioni...

Université de Fribourg

I musulmani nello spazio pubblico e mediatico = Muslime im öffentlichen und medialen Raum

Schmid, Hansjörg ; Schneuwly Purdie, Mallory ; Lang, Andrea

(CSIS-Papers ; 5)

I workshop sul tema dei media e dell’opinione pubblica si sono concentrati su un tema delicato del progetto « Le organizzazioni musulmane come attrici sociali ». L’islam non è di per sé un caso particolare, ma un soggetto della società come molti altri. Nell’adempiere i loro obblighi di informazione, i media riportano notizie relative all’islam come fanno per altri argomenti. Ma le...

Université de Fribourg

Adverse Effects of Monitoring: Evidence from a field experiment

Herz, Holger ; Zihlmann, Christian

(Working Papers SES ; 522)

We conduct a field experiment with remote workers to assess potential adverse effects of monitoring. We find that monitoring reduces the average performance of workers, in particular among the intrinsically motivated workforce. Moreover, monitoring cultivates the average worker: There are fewer high performers and the variance in performance is significantly reduced. Importantly, we show that...