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    Université de Fribourg

    Inelastic x-ray scattering in the vicinity of xenon L₃ edge

    Žitnik, M. ; Kavcic, M. ; Bucar, K. ; Mihelic, A. ; Štuhec, M. ; Kokalj, J. ; Szlachetko, Jakub

    In: Physical Review A, 2007, vol. 76, p. 032506

    A series of x-ray emission spectra of xenon in the region of L₃M 5,4(Lα1,2) and L₃N5,4 (Lβ2,15) lines were recorded along the polarization direction of the incoming photons with energies ranging from 4779.4 to 4804.4 eV. A combination of monochromatic photon beam and high resolution x-ray spectrometer...