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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries


Rossier, Jérôme

In: International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 2015, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 1-3

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

An empirical pilot in assessing student teachers' biography and instructional beliefs

Koch, Alexander F.

In: Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2019 Conference. The beauty and pleasure of understanding : engaging with contemporary challenges through science education, 2020, p. 1749-1756

Switzerland is undergoing a curricular change. Curriculum 21 has been ratified by all 21 German-speaking and is currently being implemented. With this innovation, German-speaking Switzerland will move toward a more technology-oriented education. What has been Manual Training or Wood/ Metalwork Classes is now replaced by composite subjects such as Nature and Technology. These subjects now...