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Université de Fribourg

Board Games on Emotional Competences for School-Age Children

Dell'Angela, Linda ; Zaharia, Alexandra ; Lobel, Adam ; Vico Begara, Ornella ; Sander, David ; Samson, Andrea C.

In: Games For Health Journal, 2020, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 187-196

Objective: Emotional competences (EC) are important for social and academic outcomes and positive life trajectories. Due to their social setting and tendency to stimulate intrinsic motivation, board games may constitute efficient learning tools for promoting socioemotional development in children. The current project therefore aimed at developing and testing three theory-driven board games...

Université de Fribourg

Depressive symptoms and emotion regulation strategies in children with and without developmental language disorder : a longitudinal study

den Bedem, Neeltje P. ; Dockrell, Julie E. ; Alphen, Petra M. ; Rooij, Mark ; Samson, Andrea C. ; Harjunen, Elina L. ; Rieffe, Carolien

In: International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 2018, vol. 53, no. 6, p. 1110-1123

Background: Depressive symptoms are common in children with developmental language disorder (DLD). However, risk and protective factors contributing to these problems are currently underspecified. Aims: The current longitudinal study examined the role of emotion-regulation (ER) strategies in the severity of depressive symptoms in children with and without DLD, taking into account the severity...

Université de Fribourg

Emotion regulation in autism spectrum disorder : where we are and where we need to go

Cai, Ru Ying ; Richdale, Amanda L. ; Uljarevic, Mirko ; Dissanayake, Cheryl ; Samson, Andrea C.

In: Autism Research, 2018, vol. 11, no. 7, p. 962-978

Emotion dysregulation is a common issue experienced by individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and has been associated with a wide range of negative mental and physical health outcomes. This commentary highlights the role emotion dysregulation plays in ASD by first considering the literature on emotion regulation (ER) in the general population and then summarizing the ER research in...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Introduction: Moral Emotions

Cova, Florian ; Deonna, Julien ; Sander, David

In: Topoi, 2015, vol. 34, no. 2, p. 397-400

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Inferring the age difference in HIV transmission pairs by applying phylogenetic methods on the HIV transmission network of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study

Kusejko, Katharina ; Kadelka, Claus ; Marzel, Alex ; Battegay, Manuel ; Bernasconi, Enos ; Calmy, Alexandra ; Cavassini, Matthias ; Hoffmann, Matthias ; Böni, Jürg ; Yerly, Sabine ; Klimkait, Thomas ; Perreau, Matthieu ; Rauch, Andri ; Günthard, Huldrych F. ; Kouyos, Roger D. ; Scherrer, Alexandra ; Wild, Susanne ; Perraudin, Danièle ; Minichiello, Mirjam ; Anagnostopoulos, A. ; Battegay, M. ; Bernasconi, E. ; Böni, J. ; Braun, D L. ; Bucher, H C. ; Calmy, A. ; Cavassini, M. ; Ciuffi, A. ; Dollenmaier, G. ; Egger, M. ; Elzi, L. ; Fehr, J. ; Fellay, J. ; Furrer, H. ; Fux, C A. ; Günthard, H F. ; Haerry, D. ; Hasse, B. ; Hirsch, H H. ; Hoffmann, M. ; Hösli, I. ; Huber, M. ; Kahlert, C. ; Kaiser, L. ; Keiser, O. ; Klimkait, T. ; Kouyos, R D. ; Kovari, H. ; Ledergerber, B. ; Martinetti, G. ; Martinez de Tejada, B. ; Marzolini, C. ; Metzner, K J. ; Müller, N. ; Nicca, D. ; Paioni, P. ; Pantaleo, G. ; Perreau, M. ; Rauch, A. ; Rudin, C. ; Scherrer, A U. ; Schmid, P. ; Speck, R. ; Stöckle, M. ; Tarr, P. ; Trkola, A. ; Vernazza, P. ; Wandeler, G. ; Weber, R. ; Yerly, S Morover ; Scherrer, Alexandra ; Wild, Susanne ; Perraudin, Danièle ; Minichiello, Mirjam ; Anagnostopoulos, A. ; Battegay, M. ; Bernasconi, E. ; Böni, J. ; Braun, D L. ; Bucher, H C. ; Calmy, A. ; Cavassini, M. ; Ciuffi, A. ; Dollenmaier, G. ; Egger, M. ; Elzi, L. ; Fehr, J. ; Fellay, J. ; Furrer, H. ; Fux, C A. ; Günthard, H F. ; Haerry, D. ; Hasse, B. ; Hirsch, H H. ; Hoffmann, M. ; Hösli, I. ; Huber, M. ; Kahlert, C. ; Kaiser, L. ; Keiser, O. ; Klimkait, T. ; Kouyos, R D. ; Kovari, H. ; Ledergerber, B. ; Martinetti, G. ; Martinez de Tejada, B. ; Marzolini, C. ; Metzner, K J. ; Müller, N. ; Nicca, D. ; Paioni, P. ; Pantaleo, G. ; Perreau, M. ; Rauch, A. ; Rudin, C. ; Scherrer, A U. ; Schmid, P. ; Speck, R. ; Stöckle, M. ; Tarr, P. ; Trkola, A. ; Vernazza, P. ; Wandeler, G. ; Weber, R. ; Yerly, S Morover

In: Virus Evolution, 2018, vol. 4, no. 2, p. -