Université de Fribourg

Simple and fast evaluation of relaxation parameters of magnetic nanoparticles

Lemal, Philipp ; Balog, Sandor ; Ackermann-Hirschi, Liliane ; Taladriz-Blanco, Patricia ; Hirt, Ann M. ; Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara ; Lattuada, Marco ; Petri-Fink, Alke

In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020, vol. 499, p. 166176

The efficacy of magnetic hyperthermia treatment depends on the optimal available magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) that are excited in a given alternating magnetic field and viscosity of the region of interest. In this regard, assessing the relevant relaxation parameters is of upmost importance and could improve the speed of development of efficient applications. Here, we demonstrate how to...

Université de Fribourg

Magnetic-field uniformity in neutron electric-dipole-moment experiments

Abel, C. ; Ayres, N. J. ; Baker, T. ; Ban, G. ; Bison, G. ; Bodek, K. ; Bondar, V. ; Crawford, C. B. ; Chiu, P.-J. ; Chanel, E. ; Chowdhuri, Z. ; Daum, M. ; Dechenaux, B. ; Emmenegger, S. ; Ferraris-Bouchez, L. ; Flaux, P. ; Geltenbort, P. ; Green, K. ; Griffith, W. C. ; Grinten, M. van der ; Harris, P. G. ; Henneck, R. ; Hild, N. ; Iaydjiev, P. ; Ivanov, S. N. ; Kasprzak, M. ; Kermaidic, Y. ; Kirch, K. ; Koch, H.-C. ; Komposch, S. ; Koss, P. A. ; Kozela, A. ; Krempel, J. ; Lauss, B. ; Lefort, T. ; Lemiere, Y. ; Leredde, A. ; Mohanmurthy, P. ; Pais, D. ; Piegsa, F. M. ; Pignol, G. ; Quéméner, G. ; Rawlik, M. ; Rebreyend, D. ; Ries, D. ; Roccia, S. ; Rozpedzik, D. ; Schmidt-Wellenburg, P. ; Schnabel, A. ; Severijns, N. ; Virot, R. ; Weis, Antoine ; Wursten, E. ; Wyszynski, G. ; Zejma, J. ; Zsigmond, G.

In: Physical Review A, 2019, vol. 99, no. 4, p. 042112

Magnetic-field uniformity is of the utmost importance in experiments to measure the electric dipole moment of the neutron. A general parametrization of the magnetic field in terms of harmonic polynomial modes is proposed, going beyond the linear- gradients approximation. We review the main undesirable effects of nonuniformities: depolarization of ultracold neutrons and Larmor frequency shifts...