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Università della Svizzera italiana

Sensor-based recognition of engagement during work and learning activities

Di Lascio, Elena ; Santini, Silvia (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2021 ; 2021INFO011.

Personal computing systems like e.g., laptop, smartphone, and smartwatches are nowadays ubiquitous in people's everyday life. People use such systems not only for communicating or searching for information, but also as digital companions, able to track and support their daily activities such as sleep, food intake, physical exercise and even work. Sensors embedded in personal computing systems...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

An integrated way of using a tangible user interface in a classroom

Cuendet, Sébastien ; Dehler-Zufferey, Jessica ; Ortoleva, Giulia ; Dillenbourg, Pierre

In: International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 183-208

Università della Svizzera italiana

The relationship between social anxiety, smartphone use, dispositional trust, and problematic smartphone use : a moderated mediation model

Annoni, Anna Maria ; Petrocchi, Serena ; Camerini, Anne-Linda ; Marciano, Laura

In: International journal of environmental research and public health, 2021, vol. 18, no. 5, p. 15 p

Background: The pervasiveness of smartphones has raised concerns about an increase in the prevalence of problematic smartphone use (PSU), which depends on a set of psychological and behavioral risk factors. Previous research has yielded mixed results on factors predicting PSU, including social anxiety and trust. In particular, the role of trust remained largely unexplored. In the present study,...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Liquid web applications : design and implementation of the decentralized cross-device web

Gallidabino, Andrea ; Pautasso, Cesare (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2020 ; 2020INFO006.

Web applications are traditionally designed having in mind a server-centric architecture, whereby the whole persistent data, dynamic state and logic of the application are stored and running on a Web server. The clients running in the Web browsers traditionally render only pre-computed views fetched from the server. Nowadays this centralized approach does not fit well with the kind of...

Università della Svizzera italiana

A large scale, app-based behaviour change experiment persuading sustainable mobility patterns : methods, results and lessons learnt

Cellina, Francesca ; Bucher, Dominik ; Mangili, Francesca ; Veiga Simão, José ; Rudel, Roman ; Raubal, Martin

In: Sustainability, 2019, vol. 11, no. 9, p. 2674

The present urban transportation system, mostly tailored for cars, has long shown its limitations. In many urban areas, public transportation and soft mobility would be able to effectively satisfy many travel needs. However, they tend to be neglected, due to a deep-rooted car dependency. How can we encourage people to make sustainable mobility choices, reducing car use and the related CO 2...

Haute Ecole de Travail Social

#monSmartphone : regards de jeunes en internat et externat sur leurs utilisations du Smartphone à des fins de socialisation

Morard, Tiffany ; Jurisch Praz, Sarah (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole de Travail Social, 2019.

Ce travail de recherche vise à analyser comment l’artefact Smartphone devient un instrument de socialisation pour les jeunes adolescent∙e∙s placé∙e∙s en institution. Cette thématique a été choisie en raison de son actualité et des questionnements qu’elle soulève dans les institutions sociales. Le cadre théorique articule trois concepts : le Smartphone, la genèse...

Université de Fribourg

Striatal responsiveness to reward under threat‐of‐shock and working memory load : A preliminary study

Gaillard, Claudie ; Guillod, Matthias ; Ernst, Monique ; Torrisi, Salvatore ; Federspiel, Andrea ; Schoebi, Dominik ; Recabarren, Romina E. ; Ouyang, Xinyi ; Mueller-Pfeiffer, Christoph ; Horsch, Antje ; Homan, Philipp ; Wiest, Roland ; Hasler, Gregor ; Martin-Soelch, Chantal

In: Brain and Behavior, 2019, no. 9, p. 1-21

Introduction: Reward and stress are important determinants of motivated behaviors. Striatal regions play a crucial role in both motivation and hedonic processes. So far, little is known on how cognitive effort interacts with stress to modulate reward processes. This study examines how cognitive effort (load) interacts with an unpredictable acute stressor (threat-of-shock) to modulate motivational...