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Haute école de gestion de Genève

Leading Millennials : what motivates and retains a labeled generation ?

Sukariyeh, Jude ; Connerton, Timothy (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute école de gestion de Genève, 2020 ; TDIBM 80.

This research aims at understanding why are Millennials’ a labeled generation, what are their characteristics and how can Leaders motivate as well as retain them. To do so, theories and studies are explored to see to which extend theory confirms what is observed in practice. The literature review attempts to share a storyline with the readers. The research covers various topics, from the...

Université de Fribourg

Primary care patients’ use of conventional and complementary medicine for chronic low back pain

Rodondi, Pierre-Yves ; Bill, Anne-Sylvie ; Danon, Nadia ; Dubois, Julie ; Pasquier, Jérôme ; Matthey-de-l'Endroit, Florence ; Herzig, Lilli ; Burnand, Bernard

In: Journal of Pain Research, 2019, vol. Volume 12, p. 2101–2112

To investigate among primary care patients and their physicians in western Switzerland the prevalence of use, perceived usefulness, and communication about common treatments for chronic or recurrent low back pain (crLBP) including complementary medicine (CM). Patients and methods: A cross-sectional cluster observational study involving 499 crLBP patients visiting 45 primary care physicians...