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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Forest Health in a Changing World

Pautasso, Marco ; Schlegel, Markus ; Holdenrieder, Ottmar

In: Microbial Ecology, 2015, vol. 69, no. 4, p. 826-842

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Are global hotspots of endemic richness shaped by plate tectonics?

Pellissier, Loïc ; Heine, Christian ; Rosauer, Dan F. ; Albouy, Camille

In: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2018, vol. 123, no. 1, p. 247-261

Université de Fribourg

Biodiversity effects on grape quality depend on variety and management intensity

Steiner, Magdalena ; Grace, James B. ; Bacher, Sven

In: Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021, p. 1-13

1. Interactions between plants can be beneficial, detrimental or neutral. In agricultural systems, competition between crop and spontaneous vegetation is a major concern. We evaluated the relative support for three non-exclusive ecological hypotheses about interactions between crop and spontaneous plants based on competition, complementarity or facilitation. 2. The study was conducted in...

Université de Fribourg

Scientists’ warning on invasive alien species

Pyšek, Petr ; Hulme, Philip E. ; Simberloff, Dan ; Bacher, Sven ; Blackburn, Tim M. ; Carlton, James T. ; Dawson, Wayne ; Essl, Franz ; Foxcroft, Llewellyn C. ; Genovesi, Piero ; Jeschke, Jonathan M. ; Kühn, Ingolf ; Liebhold, Andrew M. ; Mandrak, Nicholas E. ; Meyerson, Laura A. ; Pauchard, Aníbal ; Pergl, Jan ; Roy, Helen E. ; Seebens, Hanno ; Kleunen, Mark ; Vilà, Montserrat ; Wingfield, Michael J. ; Richardson, David M.

In: Biological Reviews, 2020, p. brv.12627

Biological invasions are a global consequence of an increasingly connected world and the rise in human population size. The numbers of invasive alien species – the subset of alien species that spread widely in areas where they are not native, affecting the environment or human livelihoods – are increasing. Synergies with other global changes are exacerbating current invasions and...

Université de Fribourg

Evolutionary genomics can improve prediction of species’ responses to climate change

Waldvogel, Ann-Marie ; Feldmeyer, Barbara ; Rolshausen, Gregor ; Exposito-Alonso, Moises ; Rellstab, Christian ; Kofler, Robert ; Mock, Thomas ; Schmid, Karl ; Schmitt, Imke ; Bataillon, Thomas ; Savolainen, Outi ; Bergland, Alan ; Flatt, Thomas ; Guillaume, Frederic ; Pfenninger, Markus

In: Evolution Letters, 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 4–18

Global climate change (GCC) increasingly threatens biodiversity through the loss of species, and the transformation of entire ecosystems. Many species are challenged by the pace of GCC because they might not be able to respond fast enough to changing biotic and abiotic conditions. Species can respond either by shifting their range, or by persisting in their local habitat. If populations...