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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Jakob Tanner, Geschichte der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert. München, Beck 2015

Moos, Carlo

In: Historische Zeitschrift, 2017, vol. 304, no. 2, p. 592-593

Université de Fribourg

Effects of continuous theta burst stimulation over the left DLPFC on mother tongue and second language production in late bilinguals: a behavioral and ERP study

Jost, Lea B. ; Pestalozzi, Maria I. ; Cazzoli, Dario ; Mouthon, Michael ; Müri, René M. ; Annoni, Jean‑Marie

In: Brain Topography, 2020, vol. 33, no. 4, p. 504–518

Clinical, neuroimaging, and non-invasive brain stimulation studies have associated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) with the multilingual language control system. Here, we investigated if this role is increased during the processing of the non- dominant language due to the higher cognitive/attentional demands. We used an inhibitory repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)...

Université de Fribourg

Effects of theta burst stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on language switching – A behavioral and ERP study

Pestalozzi, Maria I. ; Annoni, Jean-Marie ; Müri, René M. ; Jost, Lea B.

In: Brain and Language, 2020, vol. 205, p. 104775

This study investigated the role of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in language switching using theta burst stimulation (TBS) and electroencephalography in late bilinguals. After a sham-controlled baseline, participants received either excitatory or inhibitory TBS over the left DLPFC before conducting picture naming tasks in pure language blocks and a language switching...

Università della Svizzera italiana

TRPM7 kinase activity is essential for T cell colonization and alloreactivity in the gut

Romagnani, Andrea ; Vettore, Valentina ; Rezzonico-Jost, Tanja ; Hampe, Sarah ; Rottoli, Elsa ; Nadolni, Wiebke ; Perotti, Michela ; Meier, Melanie A. ; Hermanns, Constanze ; Geiger, Sheila ; Wennemuth, Gunther ; Recordati, Camilla ; Matsushita, Masayuki ; Muehlich, Susanne ; Proietti, Michele ; Chubanov, Vladimir ; Gudermann, Thomas ; Grassi, Fabio ; Zierler, Susanna

In: Nature communications, 2017, vol. 8, p. 1917

The melastatin-like transient-receptor-potential-7 protein (TRPM7), harbouring a cation channel and a serine/threonine kinase, has been implicated in thymopoiesis and cytokine expression. Here we show, by analysing TRPM7 kinase-dead mutant (Trpm7 R/R) mice, that the enzymatic activity of the receptor is not essential for thymopoiesis, but is required for CD103 transcription and gut-homing of ...

Università della Svizzera italiana

T follicular helper cells promote a beneficial gut ecosystem for host metabolic homeostasis by sensing microbiota-derived extracellular ATP

Perruzza, Lisa ; Gargari, Giorgio ; Proietti, Michele ; Fosso, Bruno ; D'Erchia, Anna Maria ; Faliti, Caterina Elisa ; Rezzonico-Jost, Tanja ; Scribano, Daniela ; Mauri, Laura ; Colombo, Diego ; Pellegrini, Giovanni ; Moregola, Annalisa ; Mooser, Catherine ; Pesole, Graziano ; Nicoletti, Mauro ; Norata, Giuseppe Danilo ; Geuking, Markus B. ; McCoy, Kathy D. ; Guglielmetti, Simone ; Grassi, Fabio

In: Cell reports, 2017, vol. 18, no. 11, p. 2566-2575

The ATP-gated ionotropic P2X7 receptor regulates T follicular helper (Tfh) cell abundance in the Peyer’s patches (PPs) of the small intestine; deletion of P2rx7, encoding for P2X7, in Tfh cells results in enhanced IgA secretion and binding to commensal bacteria. Here, we show that Tfh cell activity is important for generating a diverse bacterial community in the gut and that sensing of...

Université de Fribourg

Stiftung oder Verein : Rechtsformen bei Sozialen Institutionen

Beglinger, Jost ; Gmür, Markus

In: Verbands-Management, 2019, vol. 45, no. 2, p. 60-65

Stiftung und Verein sind bis heute die häufigsten Rechtsformen für Soziale Institutionen in der Schweiz. Nach landläufiger Meinung ist jede der beiden Rechtsformen mit besonderen Merkmalen verbunden, welche die Arbeitsweise und insbesondere die Entscheidungsfindung in grundlegenden Fragen prägen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden am Beispiel von Institutionen für Menschen mit ...