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Université de Fribourg

Geodynamics, seismicity, and seismic hazards of the Caucasus

Ismail-Zadeh, Alik ; Adamia, Shota ; Chabukiani, Aleksandre ; Chelidze, Tamaz ; Cloetingh, Sierd ; Floyd, Michael ; Gorshkov, Alexander ; Gvishiani, Alexei ; Ismail-Zadeh, Tahir ; Kabanh, Mikhail K. ; Kadirov, Fakhraddin ; Karapetyan, Jon ; Kangarli, Talat ; Kiria, Jemal ; Koulakov, Ivan ; Mosar, Jon ; Mumladze, Tea ; Müller, Birgit ; Sadradze, Nino ; Safarov, Rafig ; Schilling, Frank ; Soloviev, Alexander

In: Earth-Science Reviews, 2020, vol. 207, p. 103222

Being a part of ongoing continental collision between the Arabian and Eurasian plates, the Caucasus region is a remarkable site of moderate to strong seismicity, where devastating earthquakes caused significant losses of lives and livelihood. In this article, we survey geology and geodynamics of the Caucasus and its surroundings; magmatism and heat flow; active tectonics and tectonic stresses...

Université de Fribourg

Sedimentary record of arc-continent collision along mesozoic SW north america (Siuna belt, Nicaragua)

Andjić, Goran ; Escuder‐Viruete, Javier ; Baumgartner‐Mora, Claudia ; Baumgartner, Peter O. ; Mitchell, Simon F. ; Caron, Michèle ; Caus, Esmeralda

In: Tectonics, 2019, vol. 38, no. 12, p. 4399–4425

The western margin of the Caribbean Plate is a typical example where oceanic and continental terranes have amalgamated by subduction, collision, and strike‐slip processes. The boundaries between these blocks, as well as their tectonostratigraphic records, are generally covered by younger deposits and dense tropical vegetation, which may hamper reconstructing the accretionary evolution of...