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Università della Svizzera italiana

Dietary chloride deficiency syndrome : pathophysiology, history, and systematic literature review

Signorelli, Giulia C. ; Bianchetti, Mario G. ; Jermini, Luca M. M. ; Agostoni, Carlo ; Milani, Gregorio P. ; Simonetti, Giacomo D. ; Lava, Sebastiano A. G.

In: Nutrients, 2020, vol. 12, no. 11, p. 10 p

Metabolic alkalosis may develop as a consequence of urinary chloride (and sodium) wasting, excessive loss of salt in the sweat, or intestinal chloride wasting, among other causes. There is also a likely underrecognized association between poor salt intake and the mentioned electrolyte and acid–base abnormality. In patients with excessive loss of salt in the sweat or poor salt intake, the...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Selenium uptake onto natural pyrite

Curti, Enzo ; Aimoz, Laure ; Kitamura, Akira

In: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2013, vol. 295, no. 3, p. 1655-1665