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Università della Svizzera italiana

Marine anticancer agents : an overview with a particular focus on their chemical classes

Barreca, Marilia ; Spanò, Virginia ; Montalbano, Alessandra ; Cueto, Mercedes ; Díaz Marrero, Ana R. ; Deniz, Irem ; Erdoğan, Ayşegül ; Lukić Bilela, Lada ; Moulin, Corentin ; Taffin-de-Givenchy, Elisabeth ; Spriano, Filippo ; Perale, Giuseppe ; Mehiri, Mohamed ; Rotter, Ana ; Thomas, Olivier P. ; Barraja, Paola ; Gaudêncio, Susana P. ; Bertoni, Francesco

In: Marine drugs, 2020, vol. 18, no. 12, p. 28

The marine environment is a rich source of biologically active molecules for the treatment of human diseases, especially cancer. The adaptation to unique environmental conditions led marine organisms to evolve different pathways than their terrestrial counterparts, thus producing unique chemicals with a broad diversity and complexity. So far, more than 36,000 compounds have been isolated from...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

The atmospheric monitoring system of the JEM-EUSO instrument

Adams Jr., J. ; Ahmad, S. ; Albert, J. ; Allard, D. ; Anchordoqui, L. ; Andreev, V. ; Anzalone, A. ; Arai, Y. ; Asano, K. ; Ave Pernas, M. ; Baragatti, P. ; Barrillon, P. ; Batsch, T. ; Bayer, J. ; Bechini, R. ; Belenguer, T. ; Bellotti, R. ; Belov, K. ; Berlind, A. ; Bertaina, M. ; Biermann, P. ; Biktemerova, S. ; Blaksley, C. ; Blanc, N. ; Błȩcki, J. ; Blin-Bondil, S. ; Blümer, J. ; Bobik, P. ; Bogomilov, M. ; Bonamente, M. ; Briggs, M. ; Briz, S. ; Bruno, A. ; Cafagna, F. ; Campana, D. ; Capdevielle, J. ; Caruso, R. ; Casolino, M. ; Cassardo, C. ; Castellinic, G. ; Catalano, C. ; Catalano, G. ; Cellino, A. ; Chikawa, M. ; Christl, M. ; Cline, D. ; Connaughton, V. ; Conti, L. ; Cordero, G. ; Crawford, H. ; Cremonini, R. ; Csorna, S. ; Dagoret-Campagne, S. ; de Castro, A. ; De Donato, C. ; de la Taille, C. ; De Santis, C. ; del Peral, L. ; Dell'Oro, A. ; De Simone, N. ; Di Martino, M. ; Distratis, G. ; Dulucq, F. ; Dupieux, M. ; Ebersoldt, A. ; Ebisuzaki, T. ; Engel, R. ; Falk, S. ; Fang, K. ; Fenu, F. ; Fernández-Gómez, I. ; Ferrarese, S. ; Finco, D. ; Flamini, M. ; Fornaro, C. ; Franceschi, A. ; Fujimoto, J. ; Fukushima, M. ; Galeotti, P. ; Garipov, G. ; Geary, J. ; Gelmini, G. ; Giraudo, G. ; Gonchar, M. ; González Alvarado, C. ; Gorodetzky, P. ; Guarino, F. ; Guzmán, A. ; Hachisu, Y. ; Harlov, B. ; Haungs, A. ; Hernández Carretero, J. ; Higashide, K. ; Ikeda, D. ; Ikeda, H. ; Inoue, N. ; Inoue, S. ; Insolia, A. ; Isgrò, F. ; Itow, Y. ; Joven, E. ; Judd, E. ; Jung, A. ; Kajino, F. ; Kajino, T. ; Kaneko, I. ; Karadzhov, Y. ; Karczmarczyk, J. ; Karus, M. ; Katahira, K. ; Kawai, K. ; Kawasaki, Y. ; Keilhauer, B. ; Khrenov, B. ; Kim, J. ; Kim, S. ; Kim, S. ; Kleifges, M. ; Klimov, P. ; Kolev, D. ; Kreykenbohm, I. ; Kudela, K. ; Kurihara, Y. ; Kusenko, A. ; Kuznetsov, E. ; Lacombe, M. ; Lachaud, C. ; Lee, J. ; Licandro, J. ; Lim, H. ; López, F. ; Maccarone, M. ; Mannheim, K. ; Maravilla, D. ; Marcelli, L. ; Marini, A. ; Martinez, O. ; Masciantonio, G. ; Mase, K. ; Matev, R. ; Medina-Tanco, G. ; Mernik, T. ; Miyamoto, H. ; Miyazaki, Y. ; Mizumoto, Y. ; Modestino, G. ; Monaco, A. ; Monnier-Ragaigne, D. ; Morales de los Ríos, J. ; Moretto, C. ; Morozenko, V. ; Mot, B. ; Murakami, T. ; Murakami, M. Nagano ; Nagata, M. ; Nagataki, S. ; Nakamura, T. ; Napolitano, T. ; Naumov, D. ; Nava, R. ; Neronov, A. ; Nomoto, K. ; Nonaka, T. ; Ogawa, T. ; Ogio, S. ; Ohmori, H. ; Olinto, A. ; Orleański, P. ; Osteria, G. ; Panasyuk, M. ; Parizot, E. ; Park, I. ; Park, H. ; Pastircak, B. ; Patzak, T. ; Paul, T. ; Pennypacker, C. ; Perez Cano, S. ; Peter, T. ; Picozza, P. ; Pierog, T. ; Piotrowski, L. ; Piraino, S. ; Plebaniak, Z. ; Pollini, A. ; Prat, P. ; Prévôt, G. ; Prieto, H. ; Putis, M. ; Reardon, P. ; Reyes, M. ; Ricci, M. ; Rodríguez, I. ; Rodríguez Frías, M. ; Ronga, F. ; Roth, M. ; Rothkaehl, H. ; Roudil, G. ; Rusinov, I. ; Rybczyński, M. ; Sabau, M. ; Sáez-Cano, G. ; Sagawa, H. ; Saito, A. ; Sakaki, N. ; Sakata, M. ; Salazar, H. ; Sánchez, S. ; Santangelo, A. ; Santiago Crúz, L. ; Sanz Palomino, M. ; Saprykin, O. ; Sarazin, F. ; Sato, H. ; Sato, M. ; Schanz, T. ; Schieler, H. ; Scotti, V. ; Segreto, A. ; Selmane, S. ; Semikoz, D. ; Serra, M. ; Sharakin, S. ; Shibata, T. ; Shimizu, H. ; Shinozaki, K. ; Shirahama, T. ; Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G. ; Silva López, H. ; Sledd, J. ; Słomińska, K. ; Sobey, A. ; Sugiyama, T. ; Supanitsky, D. ; Suzuki, M. ; Szabelska, B. ; Szabelski, J. ; Tajima, F. ; Tajima, N. ; Tajima, T. ; Takahashi, Y. ; Takami, H. ; Takeda, M. ; Takizawa, Y. ; Tenzer, C. ; Tibolla, O. ; Tkachev, L. ; Tokuno, H. ; Tomida, T. ; Tone, N. ; Toscano, S. ; Trillaud, F. ; Tsenov, R. ; Tsunesada, Y. ; Tsuno, K. ; Tymieniecka, T. ; Uchihori, Y. ; Unger, M. ; Vaduvescu, O. ; Valdés-Galicia, J. ; Vallania, P. ; Valore, L. ; Vankova, G. ; Vigorito, C. ; Villaseñor, L. ; von Ballmoos, P. ; Wada, S. ; Watanabe, J. ; Watanabe, S. ; Watts Jr, J. ; Weber, M. ; Weiler, T. ; Wibig, T. ; Wiencke, L. ; Wille, M. ; Wilms, J. ; Włodarczyk, Z. ; Yamamoto, T. ; Yamamoto, Y. ; Yang, J. ; Yano, H. ; Yashin, I. ; Yonetoku, D. ; Yoshida, K. ; Yoshida, S. ; Young, R. ; Zotov, M. ; Zuccaro Marchi, A.

In: Experimental Astronomy, 2015, vol. 40, no. 1, p. 45-60

Università della Svizzera italiana

Role of CXCL13 and CCL20 in the recruitment of B cells to inflammatory foci in chronic arthritis

Armas-González, Estefanía ; Domínguez-Luis, María Jesús ; Díaz-Martín, Ana ; Arce-Franco, Mayte ; Castro-Hernández, Javier ; Danelon, Gabriela ; Hernández-Hernández, Vanesa ; Bustabad-Reyes, Sagrario ; Cantabrana, Alberto ; Uguccioni ; Díaz-González, Federico

In: Arthritis research & therapy, 2018, vol. 20, p. 114

Background: B cells exert their pathogenic action in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) locally in the synovium. This study was undertaken to elucidate the chemokines responsible for the recruitment of B cells in the inflamed synovium, taking into account that the rich chemokine milieu present in the synovial tissue can fine-tune modulate discrete chemokine receptors. Methods: Expression levels of...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Gravitational lensing and rotation curve

Bräunlich, Gerhard ; Scharf, Günter

In: General Relativity and Gravitation, 2011, vol. 43, no. 1, p. 143-154

Université de Fribourg

Intrinsic structure of minimal discs in metric spaces

Lytchak, Alexander ; Wenger, Stefan

In: Geometry & Topology, 2017, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 591–644

We study the intrinsic structure of parametric minimal discs in metric spaces admitting a quadratic isoperimetric inequality. We associate to each minimal disc a compact, geodesic metric space whose geometric, topological, and analytic properties are controlled by the isoperimetric inequality. Its geometry can be used to control the shapes of all curves and therefore the geometry and topology...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Volume-Limited Dependent Galactic Model Parameters

Karaali, S. ; Bilir, S. ; Yaz, E. ; Hamzaoğlu, E. ; Buser, R.

In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2007, vol. 24, no. 4, p. 208-219

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

On the deprojection of axisymmetric bodies

Gerhard, Ortwin ; Binney, James

In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1996, vol. 279, no. 3, p. 993-1004

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

The microlensing optical depth of the COBEbulge

Bissantz, Nicolai ; Englmaier, Peter ; Binney, James ; Gerhard, Ortwin

In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1997, vol. 289, no. 3, p. 651-659