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Università della Svizzera italiana

International prognostic score for asymptomatic early-stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Condoluci, Adalgisa ; Terzi di Bergamo, Lodovico ; Langerbeins, Petra ; Hoechstetter, Manuela A. ; Herling, Carmen D. ; De Paoli, Lorenzo ; Delgado, Julio ; Rabe, Kari G. ; Gentile, Massimo ; Doubek, Michael ; Mauro, Francesca R. ; Chiodin, Giorgia ; Mattsson, Mattias ; Bahlo, Jasmin ; Cutrona, Giovanna ; Kotaskova, Jana ; Deambrogi, Clara ; Smedby, Karin E. ; Spina, Valeria ; Bruscaggin, Alessio ; Wu, Wei ; Moia, Riccardo ; Bianchi, Elena ; Gerber, Bernhard ; Zucca, Emanuele ; Gillessen, Silke ; Ghielmini, Michele ; Cavalli, Franco ; Stussi, Georg ; Hess, Mark A. ; Baumann, Tycho S. ; Neri, Antonino ; Ferrarini, Manlio ; Rosenquist, Richard ; Forconi, Francesco ; Foà, Robin ; Pospisilova, Sarka ; Morabito, Fortunato ; Stilgenbauer, Stephan ; Döhner, Hartmut ; Parikh, Sameer A. ; Wierda, William G. ; Montserrat, Emili ; Gaidano, Gianluca ; Hallek, Michael ; Rossi, Davide

In: Blood, 2020, vol. 135, no. 21, p. 1859–1869

Most patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are diagnosed with early-stage disease and managed with active surveillance. The individual course of patients with early-stage CLL is heterogeneous, and their probability of needing treatment is hardly anticipated at diagnosis. We aimed at developing an international prognostic score to predict time to first treatment (TTFT) in patients...

Université de Fribourg

The rise of angiosperms pushed conifers to decline during global cooling

Condamine, Fabien L. ; Silvestro, Daniele ; Koppelhus, Eva B. ; Antonelli, Alexandre

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, vol. 117, no. 46, p. 28867–28875

Competition among species and entire clades can impact species diversification and extinction, which can shape macroevolutionary patterns. The fossil record shows successive biotic turnovers such that a dominant group is replaced by another. One striking example involves the decline of gymnosperms and the rapid diversification and ecological dominance of angiosperms in the Cretaceous. It is...

Université de Fribourg

Identification of avoidance genes through neural pathway-specific forward optogenetics

Marques, Filipe ; Saro, Gabriella ; Lia, Andrei-Stefan ; Poole, Richard J. ; Falquet, Laurent ; Glauser, Dominique A.

In: PLOS Genetics, 2019, vol. 15, no. 12, p. e1008509

Understanding how the nervous system bridges sensation and behavior requires the elucidation of complex neural and molecular networks. Forward genetic approaches, such as screens conducted in C. elegans, have successfully identified genes required to process natural sensory stimuli. However, functional redundancy within the underlying neural circuits, which are often organized with multiple...