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Università della Svizzera italiana

Contribution of sleep disturbances to fatigue in multiple sclerosis : a prospective study using clinical and polysomnographic parameters

Riccitelli, Gianna C. ; Disanto, Giulio ; Sacco, Rosaria ; Sparasci, Davide ; Sacco, Leonardo ; Castelnovo, Anna ; Miano, Silvia ; Manconi, Mauro ; Gobbi, Claudio ; Zecca, Chiara

In: European journal of neurology, 2021, vol. 28, no. 9, p. 9

Background and purpose: Fatigue is amongst the most frequent and disabling symptoms of multiple sclerosis and a close relation between fatigue and sleep quality has been hypothesized. In this study the contribution of sleep disturbances measured by clinical and polysomnographic parameters to fatigue in multiple sclerosis was investigated. Methods: This was a prospective instrumental study...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Combined automated NOE assignment and structure calculation with CYANA

Güntert, Peter ; Buchner, Lena

In: Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2015, vol. 62, no. 4, p. 453-471

Université de Fribourg

Proteomic profiling of fibroblasts isolated from chronic wounds identifies disease-relevant signaling pathways

Berberich, Bettina ; Thriene, Kerstin ; Gretzmeier, Christine ; Kühl, Tobias ; Bayer, Hans ; Athanasiou, Ioannis ; Rafei-Shamsabadi, David Ali ; Bruckner-Tuderman, Leena ; Nyström, Alexander ; Kiritsi, Dimitra ; Dengjel, Jörn

In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2020, vol. 140, no. 11, p. 2280-2290.e4

Chronic skin wounds accompany many prevalent age-related diseases and are a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Both keratinocytes and fibroblasts contribute to the pathomechanisms in chronic skin wounds. Dysregulated pathways in the epidermis have been extensively studied, but little is known of the influence of dermal fibroblasts on chronic wounding. We isolated fibroblasts from chronic...