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Université de Fribourg

Thin-film structural coloration from simple fused scales in moths

Kilchoer, Cédric ; Steiner, Ullrich ; Wilts, Bodo D.

In: Interface Focus, 2019, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 20180044

The metallic colouration of insects often originates from diverse nanostructures ranging from simple thin films to complex three-dimensional photonic crystals. In Lepidoptera, structural colouration is widely present and seems to be abundant in extant species. However, even some basal moths exhibit metallic colouration. Here, we have investigated the origin of the vivid metallic colours of...

Université de Fribourg

Integrated sensor system for DNA amplification and separation based on thin film technology

Costantini, Francesca ; Petrucci, Giulia ; Lovecchio, Nicola ; Nardecchia, Marco ; Nascetti, Augusto ; Cesare, Giampiero de ; Tedeschi, Lorena ; Domenici, Claudio ; Ruggi, Albert ; Placidi, Pisana ; Scorzoni, Andrea ; Caputo, Domenico

In: IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2018, vol. 8, no. 7, p. 1141–1148

This paper presents the development of a lab-on-chip, based on thin-film sensors, suitable for DNA treatments. In particular, the system performs on-chip DNA amplification and separation of double-strand DNA into single-strand DNA, combining a polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic network, thin-film electronic devices, and surface chemistry. Both the analytical procedures rely on the integration...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Thin Film Deposition Using Spray Pyrolysis

Perednis, Dainius ; Gauckler, Ludwig

In: Journal of Electroceramics, 2005, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 103-111

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Spray pyrolysis of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ thin film cathodes

Beckel, D. ; Dubach, A. ; Studart, A. ; Gauckler, L.

In: Journal of Electroceramics, 2006, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 221-228