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Université de Fribourg

Type I interferon/IRF7 axis instigates chemotherapy-induced immunological dormancy in breast cancer

Lan, Qiang ; Peyvandi, Sanam ; Duffey, Nathalie ; Huang, Yu-Ting ; Barras, David ; Held, Werner ; Richard, François ; Delorenzi, Mauro ; Sotiriou, Christos ; Desmedt, Christine ; Lorusso, Girieca ; Rüegg, Curzio

In: Oncogene, 2019, vol. 38, no. 15, p. 2814–2829

Neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapies provide survival benefits to breast cancer patients, in particular in estrogen receptor negative (ER−) cancers, by reducing rates of recurrences. It is assumed that the benefits of (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy are due to the killing of disseminated, residual cancer cells, however, there is no formal evidence for it. Here, we provide experimental...

Université de Fribourg

Immunological response to nitroglycerin-loaded shear-responsive liposomes in vitro and in vivo

Buscema, Marzia ; Matviykiv, Sofiya ; Mészáros, Tamás ; Gerganova, Gabriela ; Weinberger, Andreas ; Mettal, Ute ; Mueller, Dennis ; Neuhaus, Frederik ; Stalder, Etienne ; Ishikawa, Takashi ; Urbanics, Rudolf ; Saxer, Till ; Pfohl, Thomas ; Szebeni, János ; Zumbuehl, Andreas ; Müller, Bert

In: Journal of Controlled Release, 2017, vol. 264, no. Supplement C, p. 14–23

Liposomes formulated from the 1,3-diamidophospholipid Pad-PC-Pad are shear- responsive and thus promising nano-containers to specifically release a vasodilator at stenotic arteries. The recommended preclinical safety tests for therapeutic liposomes of nanometer size include the in vitro assessment of complement activation and the evaluation of the associated risk of complement...