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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

The atmospheric monitoring system of the JEM-EUSO instrument

Adams Jr., J. ; Ahmad, S. ; Albert, J. ; Allard, D. ; Anchordoqui, L. ; Andreev, V. ; Anzalone, A. ; Arai, Y. ; Asano, K. ; Ave Pernas, M. ; Baragatti, P. ; Barrillon, P. ; Batsch, T. ; Bayer, J. ; Bechini, R. ; Belenguer, T. ; Bellotti, R. ; Belov, K. ; Berlind, A. ; Bertaina, M. ; Biermann, P. ; Biktemerova, S. ; Blaksley, C. ; Blanc, N. ; Błȩcki, J. ; Blin-Bondil, S. ; Blümer, J. ; Bobik, P. ; Bogomilov, M. ; Bonamente, M. ; Briggs, M. ; Briz, S. ; Bruno, A. ; Cafagna, F. ; Campana, D. ; Capdevielle, J. ; Caruso, R. ; Casolino, M. ; Cassardo, C. ; Castellinic, G. ; Catalano, C. ; Catalano, G. ; Cellino, A. ; Chikawa, M. ; Christl, M. ; Cline, D. ; Connaughton, V. ; Conti, L. ; Cordero, G. ; Crawford, H. ; Cremonini, R. ; Csorna, S. ; Dagoret-Campagne, S. ; de Castro, A. ; De Donato, C. ; de la Taille, C. ; De Santis, C. ; del Peral, L. ; Dell'Oro, A. ; De Simone, N. ; Di Martino, M. ; Distratis, G. ; Dulucq, F. ; Dupieux, M. ; Ebersoldt, A. ; Ebisuzaki, T. ; Engel, R. ; Falk, S. ; Fang, K. ; Fenu, F. ; Fernández-Gómez, I. ; Ferrarese, S. ; Finco, D. ; Flamini, M. ; Fornaro, C. ; Franceschi, A. ; Fujimoto, J. ; Fukushima, M. ; Galeotti, P. ; Garipov, G. ; Geary, J. ; Gelmini, G. ; Giraudo, G. ; Gonchar, M. ; González Alvarado, C. ; Gorodetzky, P. ; Guarino, F. ; Guzmán, A. ; Hachisu, Y. ; Harlov, B. ; Haungs, A. ; Hernández Carretero, J. ; Higashide, K. ; Ikeda, D. ; Ikeda, H. ; Inoue, N. ; Inoue, S. ; Insolia, A. ; Isgrò, F. ; Itow, Y. ; Joven, E. ; Judd, E. ; Jung, A. ; Kajino, F. ; Kajino, T. ; Kaneko, I. ; Karadzhov, Y. ; Karczmarczyk, J. ; Karus, M. ; Katahira, K. ; Kawai, K. ; Kawasaki, Y. ; Keilhauer, B. ; Khrenov, B. ; Kim, J. ; Kim, S. ; Kim, S. ; Kleifges, M. ; Klimov, P. ; Kolev, D. ; Kreykenbohm, I. ; Kudela, K. ; Kurihara, Y. ; Kusenko, A. ; Kuznetsov, E. ; Lacombe, M. ; Lachaud, C. ; Lee, J. ; Licandro, J. ; Lim, H. ; López, F. ; Maccarone, M. ; Mannheim, K. ; Maravilla, D. ; Marcelli, L. ; Marini, A. ; Martinez, O. ; Masciantonio, G. ; Mase, K. ; Matev, R. ; Medina-Tanco, G. ; Mernik, T. ; Miyamoto, H. ; Miyazaki, Y. ; Mizumoto, Y. ; Modestino, G. ; Monaco, A. ; Monnier-Ragaigne, D. ; Morales de los Ríos, J. ; Moretto, C. ; Morozenko, V. ; Mot, B. ; Murakami, T. ; Murakami, M. Nagano ; Nagata, M. ; Nagataki, S. ; Nakamura, T. ; Napolitano, T. ; Naumov, D. ; Nava, R. ; Neronov, A. ; Nomoto, K. ; Nonaka, T. ; Ogawa, T. ; Ogio, S. ; Ohmori, H. ; Olinto, A. ; Orleański, P. ; Osteria, G. ; Panasyuk, M. ; Parizot, E. ; Park, I. ; Park, H. ; Pastircak, B. ; Patzak, T. ; Paul, T. ; Pennypacker, C. ; Perez Cano, S. ; Peter, T. ; Picozza, P. ; Pierog, T. ; Piotrowski, L. ; Piraino, S. ; Plebaniak, Z. ; Pollini, A. ; Prat, P. ; Prévôt, G. ; Prieto, H. ; Putis, M. ; Reardon, P. ; Reyes, M. ; Ricci, M. ; Rodríguez, I. ; Rodríguez Frías, M. ; Ronga, F. ; Roth, M. ; Rothkaehl, H. ; Roudil, G. ; Rusinov, I. ; Rybczyński, M. ; Sabau, M. ; Sáez-Cano, G. ; Sagawa, H. ; Saito, A. ; Sakaki, N. ; Sakata, M. ; Salazar, H. ; Sánchez, S. ; Santangelo, A. ; Santiago Crúz, L. ; Sanz Palomino, M. ; Saprykin, O. ; Sarazin, F. ; Sato, H. ; Sato, M. ; Schanz, T. ; Schieler, H. ; Scotti, V. ; Segreto, A. ; Selmane, S. ; Semikoz, D. ; Serra, M. ; Sharakin, S. ; Shibata, T. ; Shimizu, H. ; Shinozaki, K. ; Shirahama, T. ; Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G. ; Silva López, H. ; Sledd, J. ; Słomińska, K. ; Sobey, A. ; Sugiyama, T. ; Supanitsky, D. ; Suzuki, M. ; Szabelska, B. ; Szabelski, J. ; Tajima, F. ; Tajima, N. ; Tajima, T. ; Takahashi, Y. ; Takami, H. ; Takeda, M. ; Takizawa, Y. ; Tenzer, C. ; Tibolla, O. ; Tkachev, L. ; Tokuno, H. ; Tomida, T. ; Tone, N. ; Toscano, S. ; Trillaud, F. ; Tsenov, R. ; Tsunesada, Y. ; Tsuno, K. ; Tymieniecka, T. ; Uchihori, Y. ; Unger, M. ; Vaduvescu, O. ; Valdés-Galicia, J. ; Vallania, P. ; Valore, L. ; Vankova, G. ; Vigorito, C. ; Villaseñor, L. ; von Ballmoos, P. ; Wada, S. ; Watanabe, J. ; Watanabe, S. ; Watts Jr, J. ; Weber, M. ; Weiler, T. ; Wibig, T. ; Wiencke, L. ; Wille, M. ; Wilms, J. ; Włodarczyk, Z. ; Yamamoto, T. ; Yamamoto, Y. ; Yang, J. ; Yano, H. ; Yashin, I. ; Yonetoku, D. ; Yoshida, K. ; Yoshida, S. ; Young, R. ; Zotov, M. ; Zuccaro Marchi, A.

In: Experimental Astronomy, 2015, vol. 40, no. 1, p. 45-60

Université de Fribourg

Il supporto alla continuità scolastica nella cura multidisciplinare dei pazienti con patologie gravi: Esperienze in oncologia pediatrica

Giovanetti, Monica ; Clerici, Carlo Alfredo ; Veneroni, Laura ; Casiraghi, Giovanna ; Pagani Bagliacca, Elena ; Ferrari, Andrea ; Podda, Marta ; Chopard, Saba ; Massimino, Maura

In: Recenti Progressi in Medicina, 2019, vol. 110, no. 3, p. 131-137

Affrontare una malattia grave comporta sempre, e in particolar modo per un minore, uno stress fisico e psichico di grande rilievo. Se da un lato un adulto può possedere risorse di adattamento che gli permettono di far fronte alla malattia, per un bambino la patologia può interferire con la crescita sociale ed emotiva. Per questa ragione, i clinici e la famiglia hanno anche il compito di...

Université de Fribourg

Gestione della conflittualità e della separazione genitoriale: esperienze in oncologia pediatrica

Chopard, Saba ; Veneroni, Laura ; Casiraghi, Giovanna ; Cecatiello, Armando ; Massimino, Maura ; Clerici, Carlo Alfredo

In: Recenti Progressi in Medicina, 2018, vol. 109, p. 342-349

I divorzi e le separazioni sono diventati sempre più frequenti negli ultimi decenni e per questo costituiscono aspetti di grande rilievo anche rispetto ai possibili effetti sulle cure mediche. La conflittualità riguarda non solo le coppie di adulti, ma ha spesso ripercussioni anche sui figli che sono coinvolti, a livello pratico ed emotivo, nella separazione della coppia. Se da un lato il...

Université de Fribourg

The bright side of sound: perspectives on the biomedical application of sonoluminescence

Canaparo, Roberto ; Foglietta, Federica ; Giuntini, Francesca ; Francovich, Andrea ; Serpe, Loredana

In: Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2020, vol. 19, no. 9, p. 1114–1121

Light is a physical phenomenon that is very important to human life, and has been investigated in its nature, behaviour and properties throughout human history although the most impressive improvements in the use of light in human activities, and of course in medicine, began just two centuries ago. However, despite the enormous progress in diagnosis, therapy and surgery to assess health and...

Université de Fribourg

In-season leaf damage by a biocontrol agent explains reproductive output of an invasive plant species

Augustinus, Benno A. ; Lommen, Suzanne T.E. ; Fogliatto, Silvia ; Vidotto, Francesco ; Smith, Tessa ; Horvath, David ; Bonini, Maira ; Gentili, Rodolfo F. ; Citterio, Sandra ; Müller-Schärer, Heinz ; Schaffner, Urs

In: NeoBiota, 2020, vol. 55, p. 117–146

One of the biggest challenges in classical biological control of invasive weeds is predicting the likelihood of success. Ambrosia artemisiifolia, a North American plant species that has become invasive in Europe, causes economic losses due to health problems resulting from its huge amount of highly allergenic pollen and as a weed to agricultural crops resulting from high seed densities. Here...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Energy optimization and management of demand response interactions in a smart campus

Barbato, Antimo ; Bolchini, Cristiana ; Geronazzo, Angela ; Quintarelli, Elisa ; Palamarciuc, Andrei ; Pitì, Alessandro ; Rottondi, Cristina ; Verticale, Giacomo

In: Energies, 2016, vol. 9, no. 6, p. 398

The proposed framework enables innovative power management in smart campuses, integrating local renewable energy sources, battery banks and controllable loads and supporting Demand Response interactions with the electricity grid operators. The paper describes each system component: the Energy Management System responsible for power usage scheduling, the telecommunication infrastructure in ...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Insights into the effect of the G245S single point mutation on the structure of p53 and the binding of the protein to DNA

Lepre, Marco Gaetano ; Omar, Sara Ibrahim ; Grasso, Gianvito ; Morbiducci, Umberto ; Deriu, Marco Agostino ; Tuszynski, Jack A.

In: Molecules, 2017, vol. 22, no. 8, p. 1358

The transcription factor p53 is a potent tumor suppressor dubbed as the “guardian of the genome” because of its ability to orchestrate protective biological outputs in response to a variety of oncogenic stresses. Mutation and thus inactivation of p53 can be found in 50% of human tumors. The majority are missense mutations located in the DNA binding region. Among them, G245S is known to be...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Conformational dynamics and stability of U-shaped and S-shaped amyloid β assemblies

Grasso, Gianvito ; Rebella, Martina ; Muscat, Stefano ; Morbiducci, Umberto ; Tuszynski, Jack ; Danani, Andrea ; Deriu, Marco A.

In: International journal of molecular sciences, 2018, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 571

Alzheimer’s disease is the most fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the aggregation and deposition of Amyloid β (Aβ) oligomers in the brain of patients. Two principal variants of Aβ exist in humans: Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42. The former is the most abundant in the plaques, while the latter is the most toxic species and forms fibrils more rapidly. Interestingly, fibrils of...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Opening study on the development of a new biosensor for metal toxicity based on pseudomonas fluorescens pyoverdine

Chiadò, Alessandro ; Varani, Luca ; Bosco, Francesco ; Marmo, Luca

In: Biosensors, 2013, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 385-399

To date, different kinds of biosensing elements have been used effectively for environmental monitoring. Microbial cells seem to be well-suited for this task: they are cheap, adaptable to variable field conditions and give a measurable response to a broad number of chemicals. Among different pollutants, heavy metals are still a major problem for the environment. A reasonable starting point...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Tetrahydrobiopterin in biomedical research

Blau, Nenad ; Thöny, Beat

In: Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 2009, vol. 32, no. 1, p. 1-2