Université de Fribourg

Neuroanatomy of the spinosaurid Irritator challengeri (Dinosauria: Theropoda) indicates potential adaptations for piscivory

Schade, Marco ; Rauhut, Oliver W. M. ; Evers, Serjoscha W.

In: Scientific Reports, 2020, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 9259

Spinosauridae, a theropod group characterized by elongated snouts, conical teeth, enlarged forelimbs, and often elongated neural spines, show evidence for semiaquatic adaptations and piscivory. It is currently debated if these animals represent terrestrial carnivores with adaptations for a piscivorous diet, or if they largely lived and foraged in aquatic habitats. The holotype of Irritator...

Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration

Pour la connaissance, la conservation et la mise en valeur de sites patrimoniaux in situ : les zones sidérurgiques de Ficko et Kéma-Koundiouli au pays dogon, Mali

Stoller, Magali

Mémoire de diplôme HES : Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration, 2007.

Les fouilles archéologiques dirigées par le volet paléométallurgie du programme international Peuplement humain et évolution paléoclimatique en Afrique de l’Ouest ont mis au jour d’importants vestiges de réduction du fer au pays dogon. Leurs études démontrent que le plateau dogon fut un remarquable lieu de production de ce métal du 6e au 19e siècle. Les bas-fourneaux de Ficko et de...

Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

Braincase of panphagia protos (dinosauria, sauropodomorpha)

Martínez, Ricardo N. ; Apaldetti, Cecilia ; Haro, José A.

In: Journal of vertebrate paleontology, 2013, vol. 32, no. 6, p. 70-82

Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

Cretaceous crocodyliforms from the Sahara

Sereno, Paul C. ; Larsson, Hans C.E.

In: ZooKeys [Ressource électronique] : launched to accelerate biodiversity research : a peer-reviewed open-access journal, 2009, no. 28, p. 1-143

Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

The origin of modern crocodyliforms : new evidence from the Cretaceous of Australia

Salisbury, Steven W.

In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2006, vol. 273, p. 2439-2448

Université de Fribourg

The emergence of pottery in Africa during the tenth millennium cal BC: new evidence from Ounjougou (Mali)

Huysecom, E. ; Rasse, M. ; Lespez, L. ; Neumann, K. ; Fahmy, A. ; Ballouche, A. ; Ozainne, S. ; Maggetti, Marino ; Tribolo, Ch. ; Soriano, S.

In: Antiquity, 2009, vol. 83, no. 322, p. 905-917

New excavations in ravines at Ounjougou in Mali have brought to light a lithic and ceramic assemblage that dates from before 9400 cal BC. The authors show that this first use of pottery coincides with a warm wet period in the Sahara. As in East Asia, where very early ceramics are also known, the pottery and small bifacial arrowheads were the components of a new subsistence strategy exploiting an...